V.0.2 Plans

V.0.2.0 Contents:-

1) Contracts:-

1) Shepherd Residence

2) Ghosts:-

  • Thundergirl
  • Suckassbee 

3) Others:-

  • Journal will stay the page you last opened.
  • Bansheeps third animations not coming up in Ghost gallery.
  • Talking with ghost even standing far from them.
  • Going to locked door when facing a Conjurer.
  • Playing tutorial level before any contracts causing glitches.
  • Wait time for Faith is lowered and her animation unlock glitch solved.
  • Added a curse system. There are only three ghost in current version capable of applying curse/blight. There are different ways it can be cured.
  • Don't have to wait until the dialogue ends for opening shop.
  • All Recruit and Quest can be reset from main menu. (Does reset Faith's quest).
  • Rope attack visual effects and it correctly fails mission if used on wrong ghosts.

Update V. Fixes):-

  • Raionna second animation incorrect in Video Maker.
  • Pressing 'X' after catching ghost causing to restart the process again.
  • Flour sticking on Tess.
  • Sabrina's animations masking issue in the asylum.
  • Truck sound in Evergreen University.
  • Second Succubi ghost in Raven's Home.
  • Raionna glitch sex when her elder sister saves her.
  • Haunted Doll animations not unlocking.
  • No interactions after returning to main menu while computer screen is on.

Update V. Fixes):-

  • Yurei incorrect information in Spoilerish.
  • Irene quest bug if not demonstrate ghost capturing with Wendy's ghost.
  • Video camera, laser projector and notebook set to 1 after booting up the game again.
  • Len's text now correctly say 15 minutes in game instead of 5.
  • Mannequin puzzle bug where interacting with Gina twice completes puzzle.


V.0.2.1 Plans(After HTA 1.0 update):-

1) Contracts:-

1) Wrecked House

2) Mayscape Apartments

2) Ghosts:-

  • Umbrella
  • Photogenic
  • Twin Nurse

3) Wendy's Vessels Cloths:-

  • Judy's Cloths (For Wendy)
  • Melanie's Kinky Cloths

4) Recruits:-

  • Len (Liz)

5) Pendrives:-

  • Olivia's Pendrive:- Added 5 new images\

  • Mason's Pendrive:- Replaced most images and added 2 extra.

  • Luna's Pendrive:- Will replace most images and added 4 extra.

5) Others:-

  • Tori's Pen Drive
  • Sister's Duty Movie
  • Nameless Pen Drive
  • Len's Pen Drive
  • Late Night Shift Channel
  • 30 Days Maid Raw Clips
  • Another Movie
  • Additional character for Janken game.
  • Urban Legend 2 (Not really an urban legend)
  • Secret animations

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How will the update work? Also would like to say i dont know how this works but ive been waiting for an update since maybe last october? i remember when your hand was broken yada yada yada, hope it gets released soon, lots of people admire your art, hope thats enough motivation for you

(1 edit)

yo lags , im a big fan of your game when will this game get updated

Hi Lags, how are you? I've been a big fan of your work for a while now, with your new choices for developing the game and significant changes, especially to the main character. I'm a bit confused about what the next update will actually be. Would it be possible for you to create a new topic where you actually show what we'll see in the next update?

Refer this post for now-


Excuse me about my English.

In the next update there will be what you mentioned above (3 maps, 6 ghosts...). 

About what the update was mainly going to be, that is, the Mayscape apartments, the wrecked house, photogenic, the nurses... (V.0.2.1 Plans)

Will they come after this update? 

Will they play with Ted or Mason? 

Will it be part of the Ringman edition or the normal one? 

I also wanted to thank you for all the time you are dedicating to making the update and we all know that it will be super good and incredibly quality :D


Information on this page is obsolete. For this game there will be one more update with a map and two more ghosts.

Right now working on LSH Ringman (Mason). Once it has good enough content it will replace the main game.


Hey Lags, how are you? Any news? Missing any updates from you...


Right now ghost's are being worked on. If everything goes well I should be done with the update in two weeks.

hi how are you, how are you Lgas

just wish this game got a port for android XD


I recently saw your last video on YouTube. I miss seeing some new content, whether it's with Ted or Mason, I don't care. I like your updates, secrets and animations, I would expect new content soon :D

LGAS is also for the injury on your hand, that you have a choice to continue working on your hobby and rub your hand or to quit what you started so as not to rub your hand.

I understand that you and your colleagues are drawing manga, so you have to leave your creation + project?


Счастливого Рождества, русскоязычное комьюнити Лагса!!! 🥳🥳🥳

Deleted 79 days ago

Thanks, bro! 😁👍

By the way, was wondering, what fonts are you using in LSH?


Merry christmas!


Merry Christmas 🫂


Hey Lags, how are you? I knew this change would come sooner or later. Some time ago, when some annoying people made comments because you were putting NTR in the game, I always thought it was really silly, people socializing with TED as if it were themselves. I even thought you were going to give up on the project, but as time went by I noticed that maybe because of that event before, you ended up getting discouraged with the TED character and started focusing on the other main character who would be from another game you intended, the former MAC that became MANSON . I've always liked your work and I'll always support you by buying your games, I'd like you to return to the NTR theme with MANSON, and I also just wish you'd finish the TED story by staying with WENDY.


Mason was always my favorite character along side Hailey and Anko.

Magic Ring was going to happened before this game but since I had to draw over 1000 animation that game was put on hold. The only reason there's so much content with Mason to give everyone idea that this will be a possible outcome when you deal with that event but people hated him because he sleeps with Luna.

There will be no more games to buy. Hailey's Adventure, LSH, LSH Ring man and CB remake will be the last erotic projects I will be working on.

The choice is upon people. They can use soul orb to give Wendy a body. The best will be done is getting her into her own body.


So after CB remake you retiring for good? I think you mentioned some zombie survival game back then you planned. So that too was scrapped entirely? It's your decision, but I had hopes for another female protag game (cause I think CB remake are going to be male protag as well)


You are an excellent artist and I am a big fan of your work. I will be very sad if you stop making your games. To be honest, the game I am most looking forward to is the CB remake, because the story is already done and your new art in that game will be amazing. I wish you a Merry Christmas Lags.

LAGS hello, I wanted to ask what happened that I have already decided to leave my creation, and to my health, or have I already decided to quit all this and do nothing, or have I decided to start something new from scratch, or do I just not have enough time for a ROBOT and a HOBBY

(1 edit)

So will Ted story end at The Stone Family Old House? or will be continued? i'm waiting for the hailey mansion map to be added to the game. Are there no new ghosts in this 0.2.1 update?

Well only apartment map, Len as site assistant and some questlines. But after LSH has become LSH Ring man.

Hi lags, what do you mean by after LSH become LSHRM i know about the change that you're planning to but the apartment map update will TED be the main character in it or MASON ?

Apartment map will be for both characters but with some changes.

It's a shame that LSH Ted last map only went to the apartment. I wish there would be ghost animations instead. We're waiting for you LAGS.

Does it mean Ringman is like Annie's extra content in Hailey's Adventure? I'm curious if its gameplay will change.
By the way, would you consider the next game to have combat elements, like Hailey's Adventure?Hailey's Adventure is really attractive

LSH ring man will be main game while original one will be available for download here.

There will not be any erotic game from me after these projects are done.

Well, what a pity. I can only look forward to the full version of Hailey's Adventure and CB Remake now. Hope you have a happy life. Your artistic style is really impressive

(2 edits) (+1)

LAGS, I have great news about Portuguese translations.

Update of dialogs / Launch of translations

- Minigames: February, 25st. (Launch)

- Harley Adventure: March, 5th. (Update)

- Lustful spirit hunt: after this update or with the next one. (Launch)

 Plans may change, but I hope everything goes well!

 Will you make these translations default in the game so they are already installed and accessible on the cell phone?

(1 edit)

Thank you! Put ringman edition on hold for a while. There will be a lot of dialog changes to since reworked on assistant script.

Well I will have option so it will be Portuguese will be displayed when you change language. So this will be language selection English ---> Portuguese ----->Other.


Thanks for this good news, I has scared 🫂

I'm glad to see you are on positive side of about this change. I'm sure you will have more fun looking out for secrets in this game.

(1 edit)

So you're replacing the game and all it's characters with this? If so, that's incredibly depressing.

If this is the direction you’re going in, please consider changing Mac’s outfit. I personally don’t like most of what’s shown in the video, but his outfit is the worst thing. It’s so much worse than Ted’s, It makes the game feel like your looking for a spot to film porn and not hunting dangerous ghosts.

Well it seems both side are on equalizer xD.

There was no uniform for ghost hunting during the event of this game therefore anyone coming in contact with ghost only have their underwear on.

Let me make one thing clear. LSH Ringman and LSH Ted will be available in same package.

I don't get it, why are they in their underwear? The assistants look good, but the MC and field assistants being in their underwear make them look bland.

I'm using principle from a cartoon I saw where you have wear loose cloths. I was making it no cloths but made it underwear only. It also makes drawing easier since I don't have to draw cloths for Mason.

By the time LSH happens Rebecca finds threads to wear while hunting ghost therefore Ted and Tess's bot has those cloths.

Where is assistant Len, is it cancelled?

There will be a small update for original game that will have apartment map, Dr. Blight/Regina's quest and Len. But after few updates for LSH ring man.

Ahh okeyy, btw LSH Ringman and LSH Original updates are at the same time?

LSH update will happen after LSH ringman.

I'm sorry to hear that Magic Ring will not come🥲

But I'm looking forward to Ringman edition! When will it come??

Hello, LAGS. May I ask what will happen to Ted's story?

Ted's gameplay will be available in same package and there will be a small update to it.

so it is going to be the last update for LSH 


Glad to see an update but at the same time is kinda sad to see such fundamental changes. Ted is now background character (so no more scenes and stories with related to him characters i assume?), HTA delayed even further. Still as a fun of your works i'm looking for what are you prepared for us. Stay safe

Deleted 31 days ago

Hey, Lags bro, What's up? :)

I hope your finger is completely gone😊👌


It's completely fine now.

That's good :). Question, can I recognize your Discord? I'd love to ask questions and even suggest promising ideas for your games. 👍

Or are you pretty busy, bro?

There'll be any new in the topic of  Update 0.2.1 Progress? 

There will be some changes in main game. See my post above.

А я всё думал, когда же ты появишься!



Welcome back LGAS, good to see you buddy

what is it?

Wahhh.. glad to hear you're back on your feet. We'll be waiting for the big announcement.

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