V.0.1.0.X Contents
(WIP) Lustful Spirit Hunt » Devlog
V.0.1.0 Plans:-
1) Contracts:-
- Hillford Asylum
2) Ghosts:-
- Bansheep
- Weseen

3) Luna's Cloths:-
- Asylum Subject
4) Recruits:-
- Sabrina
- Gloria
5) Others:-
1)Tablet :-
- Photos - 45 photos (May add more in future update)
- Message App
- Cum App
- Ghost Game
- Poker Game
2) Secret NPC Animations :- 5
5) Changes/Bug Fixes:-
- Ghost taking 40 HP second time instead of 20.
- Increased candle effective radius by 20%
- Added 2 new ghosts.
- Added a new contract.
- Added one outfit for Luna.
- Stamina consumption in halved if hunt is not active.
- Eating lunch box will help stamina recovery by 30%.
- Money is visible at bottom.
- Laser apparition is more visible with naked eyes.
- Bug with negative consumable after playing tutorial level.
- CCTV resolution is improved.
- Can change Screen Resolution in options menu.
- Glitch related to EMF reading for Weseen and Bloody Mariam.
- Others...
Hint for Safe in Room 201 :- (You were suppose to get hint after beating Rose in Poker game or finding her note in Sunflower City Streets)
For current version is available in Asylum but will be moved to Sunflower city.
Get (WIP) Lustful Spirit Hunt
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(WIP) Lustful Spirit Hunt
Catch or be captured by ghosts.
More posts
- V.0.2 PlansAug 09, 2023
- V.0.1.2.X ContentsMay 30, 2023
- V.0.1.1.X ContentsMay 05, 2023
- List of Ghosts I've planned...Dec 07, 2022
- Extended Demo:-Dec 07, 2022
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I can't find the code on the Asylum for the " Sex room " and the little chest , anyone can help
The hint is in Nurse 1 room.
Irisne ? What i'm suppose to do with it
Check the photo with it and try to find our 6 numbers from it for the code.
Ohh thank you , i have some problem to uderstand english sometime ,😂 and your game is masterpiece man really
i've found the code of the little chest but not the " Sex Room " in a future update ?
Yes, it's hint is in next update.
How to get Gloria.
There is a way right in front of girl with tentacle painting.
Hey LAGS pls answer me , how to get back SaveData so I lost it
This game doesn't support cloud backup so there is no way to get back lost data.
If you want the Sabrina interaction and it isn't working, you need to delete your save and start again. There is something in v0.1.0 stopping the interaction from working if you have a save from a previous version.
I've looked through all the comments about Sabrina, I've done exactly as you've told everybody.
1. Interact with the note on the front of the house.
2. Start a contract at Luna's House.
3. Exercise the ghost.
4. Go to Luna's Room.
I entered, she wasn't there. So I left, waited like 10 seconds and went back in and she still wasn't there. I've tried this multiple times but no matter what I do, she never appears. What am I doing wrong?
I am using the cheats to speed up the contract, does that maybe somehow disable or break the interaction?
EDIT: I tried it without any of the cheats enabled, still didn't work. I'm going to try it on a fresh save, maybe having save data from a previous build of the game is causing the interaction to not work?
SOLVED: After deleting my save data, fully from the folder, the interaction worked. There is something stopping the Sabrina interaction from working if you're playing on a save from a previous build.
how to get sabrina?
Find her note outside of Ted's house. Then after catching a ghost in Luna's home go to her bedroom. She should be there. If not exit the room, wait for 3-5 seconds and she should be there. If you talk with her there she should be in Ted's bedroom.
Why will sabrina not appear?
You will need to find her note first (which at the front door of MC's house).
where in a lobby ? and find only 1 note in front door?
How do I get the Anal animation for the delivery girls? So far I've spent more than 1000 coins on Lunch boxes and Honey and I only get BJ is there a way to swap or trigger the animations?
how do you get the delivery girls?
You will need to buy it while she is there. Once she leaves, you will need to buy from 0. If you do it correctly you should see the sign in her hand changed.
how do I get to the asylum and do bansheep and Weseen work
If you bought paid version you can just go to job board and select Asylum map.
After that randomly ghosts are spawning as you know.
You can use "WHATAREYOU" cheat to learn which ghost is chasing you.
After that until "Bansheep" and "Wessen" spawns, you can just try to find them.
And then you can catch them.
How do you go out into the streets?
It's WIP.
Rose needs to be reworked unless you intentionally made her stupid hard. Loved the poker game itself but there are certain scenarios that made no sense at all. Mainly the two of us both having Aces but no pairs, yet they take the win for it? Royal flush/ straight fllush didnt seem to matter if rose had a pair either. A tip for those struggling with rose, don't make the wager any higher it just backfires on you. Since she only goes down/up by 10 it will take awhile :0
She is gonna be like that until you meet an NPC in one future update. He will give you patch for this game which will add one more girl and nerf her difficulty. It is made like that if the girls win if you have same hands. I have increased the evaluation time in current update but will not ask you to check it as I know how it feel to play against her fair.
Now I understand, the Mayscape Apartment update will take time to come out?
Yup, it will be available in v0.2 and I have to work on HTA before.
Ok bro, I'll be here supporting and waiting😎
For anyone that can't find the code in the Asylum:
Delete your current folders for the game and reinstall. If you downloaded the game fresh after the release, the note on the ground will not show.
The code is in "Nurse 1" room. If you do not see it on the ground at first glance, then you have the older version which needs to be updated before the note will show.
Have fun
Actually the game was updated keeping the version same so people have to download the latest version.
Well I tried the method I said and somehow a note showed up on the floor after I redownloaded the files. May have been a weird bug and I just needed to restart the game.
Also you did really good on the Asylum, I keep finding more and more secrets (the delivery girl).
Just a question, how did you learn Unity? I'm looking into it and figured you'd be able to provide some insight.
(It was because of you I grew fond of C#, so I've always wanted to develop a game.)
Delivery girl? Ones in Christmas cloths or the pink haired one with Mac and Harleen.
I first tried Game maker but had no idea how to make games using it. Searching online found about Unity Engine. There were lots of tutorial explaining how to use it, so Game maker was replaced with Unity.
Most of the things I have learned about Unity and C# are from YouTube tutorials or reading UnityAnswers forums. I play other games only figure out how I would make that mechanic working.
The Christmas one that waits for you.
Yeah I just started unity engine, Most of what I know about programming was self taught either from YouTube, w3schools, codecademy ect.
Building a web app right now for a fulfillment center, it's fun.
Next month I start my big journey through college to get in depth on full stack development.
Not sure on the reason but this worked for me also
can anyone please tell me the code to the sex room?been trying to find it since the game is updated and still cant,thanks looooooot
You will not be able to enter that room even if you enter the code. It's will be available after Mayscape Apartment update. Just keeping it there for curiousity.
Is it possible to win to rose in poker? No matter how hard I try, I always end up losing.
You will meet Masuo's character in Mayscape Aparment. He will get you an update for Poker Game adding one girl and nerfing Rose. But there is a little cheating with her.
You can see her cards by clicking it 3 times or more.
where is the Mayscape aparment?
That's still fucking stupid. She shouldn't be that hard, period.
Why not? She will be rewarding you with best item in the game. Although it's not implemented in game but you will get that item later just by talking her if you defeat her now.