Devlog upto v.0.6.3
Rebuilt Version:-
As the title suggest I'm rebuilding some stuffs of the game such as scripts, background and some gameplay.
5th skin :-
Bikini :- Make enemies 25% slower and weaker. Hold egg spawn until masturbated(useful to annoy Annie).
New Plans(15/03/22):-
Annie's Expedition:-
- Gameplay :- Collect egg samples/object and return to surface to complete a level. She is weak so she uses jetpack to reach higher ground. But this jetpack has limited fuel that recharge overtime.
- Three levels playable as Annie.
- Some exclusive animations to this game mode:- Zombie, Skeleton, Bat, Goblins and Ground Mole.
Survival Mode (Hailey):-(Cancelled)
Gameplay :- She will trapped in all the cave creatures. Survive the waves of enemy and get highest score in given time. Killing an enemy award you some time. As the time goes enemies will deal more damage and have higher speed.
What changes you can expect:-
- First and the most important thing is will be scripts and levels are redesigned.
- There will be more puzzles in the game.
- The game will not consume unnecessary space.
- Zoom feature is removed.
- While in Air, Hailey will grab ropes automatically.
The game will be made for Android first, as I'm pretty sure PC can handle the game well. It will be updated every time 3-5 levels are done.
Here's the Left Handed profiles I'm planning to set for PC users:-
W-Rope Climb Up/Jump/Cliff Climb
S-Rope Climb Down/Crouch/Cliff Drop
A-Move Left
D-Move Right
R-Use Health Item
G-Throw Bombs
Left Ctrl - Prone
T-Drop Teleportation device
1/2/3-To teleport
I'm not sure how I should set Right Hand Profile so I want your suggestion on that.
Levels Themes:-
1.Dust and Stone
2.Gray Rocks
3.Red MudStone
4.Ice Cave
5.Pyramid (Red,Blue,Yellow)
Special Stages:-
Level 8-Sweets World.
Level 14-Old ruins
Level 17-Red Stone Theme
Level 23-Roots Labryinth
Level 24-Some Different themed Level.
There will be one more new enemy that can have fun with Hailey.

This is how the UI and first level is going to look. The touch controls can be changed in pause menu. There are few more details that need to be added and then I will release this test version to check the compatibility with android devices.
Build Release Date:-
First:-24/11/2021 (Released)
This build will launched to test the compatibility with different devices. It will only have first level with pause menu. The only new features included in this build are masturbation and custom input layout.
Main Menu, Shop, Level 2 and 3, first 3 enemies. Oh! And bats enemies are replaced with spikey spheres. And there will be new more passionate bat enemies.
- Level 1 and 2 playable
- Animations for Hailey (5 animations) - 2 worms, 1 bat and 2 masturbation.
- Can see Annie in action with a worm
- In-game shop (only upgrades done)
- Pregnancy feature
- No audio implemented yet (That will change in third update)
Third:-29/12/2021 (Released)
- Level 3 playable.
- Enemies added:- Skeleton
and Spike Ball (Old bat enemies)<---- (For level 4) - Skeleton enemy threesome animation and image
- Main Menu with new background (functionality is not complete yet)
- Picture Gallery.
- Most of the audio implementation.
Bug fixed:-
- Bat phasing through the wall when attacking.
- Double jump near wall.
- Masturbation climax animation for naked version.
- Ore repeating break animations
- Worm not able to target Annie sometimes.
- Hailey stands on her feet after finishing with bat.
- Climbing up animation off the rope not working sometimes.
Note:-Not added vocals and sound effects to sex animations yet. I have too many options so trying to figure out a way to use most of them.
Hotfixes for v.0.3:-
- Worm sometimes going below the surface.
- Masturbation climax animation is interrupted by egg laying animation.
- Bat death sound at the bottom side of level 3.
- Second worm's late appearance after finishing.
Fourth:-24/01/2022 (Released)
New Content:-
- Level 4, Level 5 & Map Menu
- Can purchase consumables and clothes for Annie.
- Red and Naked skins for Hailey.
- Revive System
- Skin perks for Hailey and Annie.
- Spider enemy and it's animations with Hailey and Annie.
- Artifacts at level 3 and 5.
- Arrow and Spike ball trap.
- Level 2 surface background changed.
- Map in pause menu(only initial and chest position is displayed)
Bug Fixed:-
- Rope swing animation for naked skin.
- Cum layer issue for Skeleton 3P image.
- Knock out glitch near ledges.
- Phase through gate after masturbation.
- Stuck on Annie's thankful dialogue.
- Bat sound in level 3.
- Skeleton and worm animation not speeding up.
Hotfix v.0.4.1 and v.0.4.2:-
- Second switch color in level 4.
- Hailey freezes after laying an egg in crouch position.
- Empty text boxes in skin selector menu.
- Incorrect images in Picture Gallery.
- Reward box icon and height issue.
- Dynamite getting used everywhere.
- Diamond ore issue at level 4 pickax.
- Hitting spider corpse gives jewels.
- Naked outfit has to purchase again after quitting the game.
Rebuild v.0.4.3:-
- Animation gallery.
- Achievement/Image unlocked notifications.
- Annie worm and spider images.
- Teleport System (Teleport Pads can be broken with 3 hits)
- Achievement option in pause menu and functionality.
- Level 3 lighting.
- Level 4 background.
- Adding remaining sounds and volume settings tweaking.
- Annie's clothes are selectable once purchase, but need to purchase the buff every time like before.
- If level is not completed before, both sister's will have conversation at the start of each level.
- Annie's UI appear whenever she is speaking.
- Non URP (no lighting)
Rebuild v.0.4.4:-
- Artifact and Fashionista achievement completion issue after resetting.
- Changed achievement description.
The image below has minor spoilers.

Rebuild v.0.4.5:-
Bug Fixes/Features-
- Infinite flickering issue after teleporting.
- Level 5 left pulley collider issue.
- Bat not able to attack Hailey if she is masturbating in naked outfit.
- Enemies do not engage Hailey if enemy corpse are more close.
- Fashionista achievements is unlocked from the start.
- Hailey stands under crawl space after finishing masturbation animation.
- Enemy skeleton or spider moving in awkward direction when hit.
- Hailey slides when talking with Annie (PC)
- 'M' key to directly access map.
- Spider script improved.
- After completing level, map menu is loaded instead of main menu.
- Collider size of lever is increased.
- Change in Annie's cat outfit buff. Instead of just 100 coins, it give you more depending on levels you have completed.
PC Rebuild v.0.4.5:- (09/02/2022)
- Zoom feature is added again.
- Rope is auto cling only in easy mode.
- Controller is now supported.
- Keyboard and Gamepad buttons are remappable.
- Basic (Few interactions are merged) and Advance controls
Please check controls in 'Key Bindings' options.
Part I (v.0.5.0) :- (21/04/22)
- Tomb Explorer outfit. (100%)
- Level 6 (Desert) (100%)
- Level 7 (Stone Theme) (100%)
- Level 8 (Sweets World) (100%)
- Level 9 (Ice World) (100%)(Redone)
Enemy & Traps:-
- Scorpion (100%)
- Zombie (100%)
- Acid puddle (100%) - first damages clothes then Hailey.
- Spikes.(100%)
- (New) Sneaky Snowman (100%)(Had to redo it)
Animations (New):-
- (Annie) Scorpion and Honey-maker.(100%)
- (Hailey) 2x Scorpion,, Sneaky Snowman, Spider-Zombie.
Update v.0.5.1 (Bug Fixes):
- Animation gallery bug is fixed.
- Achievement text on levels now display correct numbers.
- Secret rooms not visible properly.
- Pointer in level 6.
- Puff sound if snowman or scorpion grab Hailey with cloth on or shield point >= 4.
Update v.0.5.2 (Bug Fixes):
- Artifact 3 in level 7 respawns every time the level is restarted.
- Zombie not able to hurt Hailey if she stands on top of it.
- Missing collider in level 8.
- Spikes in level 6 acts as acid.
- Snow girl achievement cap.
- Pause UI is changed a bit for android devices and made more spacious and restart button is moved below achievements.
Part II:- v.0.5.3 - 1/07/2022 (Released)
Levels :-
- Level 10 - Red Pyramid
- Level 11 - Mud World
Enemies & Traps:-
- Red-skeleton
- Honey-maker
- Goblins
- Sugar & Cane (Level 8 Boss)
- 2P - Red Skeleton, Honey-Maker, Goblins, Sugar-Cane, Annie-Maker.
- 3P - Red Skeleton, Honey-Maker, Goblins, Spider & Honey Maker.
New Sugar & Cane:-
Update:- v. (HotFix)- 1/07/2022
- Hailey keeps walking in one direction.
- Invisible sex animations with Spider & Honey Maker
- Other glitches with Spider and Honey Makers animations.
- Honey Makers random healing ability is restored.
- Two platforms in level 10 are moved a bit up so that they are visible.
- Gust of wind orientation in level 11 is fixed.
- Haven't done anything about level 10 missing collider (Planning to do something with it.)
Part III:- v.0.5.4 - 10/07/2022 (Released)
Levels :-
- Level 12 - Ice World
- Level 13 - Yellow Pyramid
Enemies & Traps:-
- Bell Flower
- Moving Blades
- Vines
- 2P - Bell Flower, Vines (100%)
- 2P - Bell Flower.
- Animation Gallery update.
- Goblins now steals money after having sex, so you will need to defeat one if you end up losing enough money to complete the level.
Bug Fixes:-
- Level 10 :- Missing collider, rotating platform is lowered a bit. crawl space bobbing glitch.
- Ropes in all pyramid levels are scaled.
- No cumming animation for Honey-maker
- Animation glitches with Spider-Honey animation
- Some texts.
Hotfix:- v. 11/07/2022
- Missing collider in level 12.
- Double Hailey glitch with vines and bell flower.
- Bell flower achievement now working and it's shooting in opposite side.
- Vines and Bell Flower no cloud sound if captured.
- Scorpion stuck on ceiling in level 13.
- Double Hailey glitch with spider-honey animations and get stuck after sex.
- Sugar doesn't take damage if naked skin is on.
- Map name text fixed.
Hotfix:- v. 12/07/2022
- Added missing Annie-Scorpion image.
- Bell flower spitting in opposite direction.
- Eating not functioning after having sex with Bell Flower.
- Repeating knockdown animation after sex with Bell Flower.
Update:- v.0.6 - 13/07/2022.
- Zombie Girl :- A lost character that can reveal many secrets, if the price is right. (100%)
Levels :-
- Level 14 - Ruins (100%)
- Level 15 - Dust Mines (100%)
- Level 16- Mud World (100%)
Level 17 - Devil's Lair
Enemies & Traps:-
- Ass-ass-in (100%)
- Zombie Variant(100%)
Golem- Head Hunter (100%)
- 2P - Ass-ass-ins, Zombie Variant, Head Hunter, Zombie Variant w/ Shop Girl.(100%)
- 2P - Vines, Ass-ass-in, Sugar-Cane. (100%)
- 3P - Red Skeleton,
Goblins, Zombies, Spider-Zombie. (100%)
- Additional Language Support (100%)
- Some secret
Hotfix:- v.0.6.1
- Sugar staying idle.
- Missing poster text box issue.
- Pumpkin token missing chimes.
Hotfix:- v.0.6.2
- Wheel of fortune rewards issue.
- Night levels glitch if teleporter is used to get back on surface.
- Incorrect streaming assets folder path for Mac users.
- Added menu related translation file(All .csv files)
Hotfix:- v.0.6.3
- Spider revival glitch on platforms moving down.
- Incorrect text.
- Missing swamp sprites.
- Tomb Explorer outfit changes to naked one after complete level.
- Special key missing sound.
- Using special key decreases regular key number
- Flower animations fixed.
- Gallery spider zombie icon fixed.
- No second language in level 15 and 16.
- Added a little hint for puzzle in level 16.
My apologies for frequent delays. Will compensate these delays with something good at the time of final update of this game. For now I want to keep that content secret but I'm sure it will be appreciated.
Thank you for the patience.
Get (WIP) Hailey's Treasure Adventure
(WIP) Hailey's Treasure Adventure
Status | In development |
Author | LAGS |
Genre | Adventure |
Tags | 2D, Action-Adventure, Adult, Erotic, NSFW |
Languages | English |
More posts
- Rebuild Update 0.7.X.XOct 13, 2022
- Hailey's Treasure Adventure (Old Build)Apr 21, 2022
- What will be there in Update 0.3(Obsolete)Sep 10, 2021
- What will be there in Update 0.2Apr 29, 2021
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Where are the women in Level 3?
Hi man, i just wish to ask a question, the option to access annie levels in the extras menu is gone and i have the latest update downloaded, were they removed or is this a bug?
It shouldn't happen. See if any of the missing girls are visible at their respective places.
I want to buy this games but my paypal cant use on this website , can i have your email or username on paypal? So i can directly pay to your account 😭
Please give update in Android version
Bro i have a old one v6.0.3
And its not working or not any update
How do i unlock annies gameplay ?after level 16 Only black screen comes in my game...i freed the brown zombie but, the shopkeeper animated with zombie doesn't work...
Hey LAGS, i want to know if it's getting an update soon
Thank you
Hey sorry to bother you LAGS, but i cant find the golem or slimes to get the achievements. Am I missing something or are they not in the game yet?
Golems is in the old version and wont get in the rebuild, slime maybe can be in the game or maybe not.
Hey LAGS, I must apologize in advance for I bring bad news (more bugs).
But before anyone reads further, be warned if you have problem in with seeing thing when mentioned, don't read any further.
While I decided to replay the game from start just out of boredom I gotten good amount of pumpkins to spin the wheel. And noticed a problem...
There is problem with all but default skin on Hailey. Where there are see-through pixels. This is present on idle and walking animation in chest and neck area and hands for sure. In crouch walking below the belt pouch. Probably will need to check all sprites for that.
I'm sorry for possible delay to new update. I'm hyped for it too.
Keep up the good work.
Good wind
When the android update?
Please give me a date*
is version 6.3 out becuase when i download it is says its verson s6.2
Is there any new levels and some new enemies?
I don't know exactly what happened but in this update for me the game stopped working I have all the requirements but when I enter the game and try to start a level the screen goes black and then the game closes by itself if there is any way to fix this I would really appreciate it because I always really liked the game and I want to be able to play it now that the game has updates again. I don't know if it could be something with the RAM that requires 2G and I get exactly 2G
What version did you download? Because back then it ran in my 1GB Ram phone. There were fps drops on larger level but there was no issue of crashing.
I downloaded these two versions HTA-Android.Demo(NoURP).apk HTA-Android.Demo.apk which were the last two I had since they were released
When is the new update gonna be ?
update when?
when will the new lvls will be added
Can i get the link again for the game i lost it
Where is the
i didn't find her
Bottom right corner passage go to the very end a crawl through the wall until you get through