Hello Lags, after a while of learning on how to use Unity and developing a 2d sidescroller game, I must say I commend you for getting far to this point in creating a game alone. This is so much work for 1 person
Yo Lags, I got the latest version for Windows, if the game updates, do I delete the game and install it again or does my game automatically get updated?
But I installed the free version frok itch.io, does the auto-update only count for when you buy the new version for 2$ or does it also count for installing free version?
An odd problem: I played 'til dungeon ten with no issue, but upon opening the game today to play I can no longer get Hailey to do the army-crawl so I can access those areas. She'll crouch but no farther! It's very strange.
Probably changed input button for that. Depending on the mode you have press down button twice or button assigned to that action. It can be changed in options menu.
Hello LAGS, I hope you're well, I really don't know if you read this but I'm curious, anyway, several days ago I was reviewing the HTA achievements and I noticed that there are several enemies that are not in the game, like the mantis, the slime, the golem and the mummies, what I want to get at is why aren't they in the game? Still not including them in the game? And I also wanted to ask if you would ever think about translating the game into any other language besides English. I ask this because I am Mexican and would love the game in Spanish. I await your answers and thank you very much in advance.
(Sorry for my bad English but I used google translate XD) (Have you thought about adding a werewolf to the game, maybe as a boss like sugar or as a normal enemy?)
Golem and mantis were part of an old build of the game. In the new version they will be replaced. Mummy on the other hand is planned for future levels.
I will not be translating game myself but it can be done by editing csv files in games Streaming Assets folder.
I've plan for making a manwolf like creature for Annie's level. It's just an idea at the moment. I will have to see how it turns out.
I cannot seem to unlock Annie's third area in version and I cannot find any info online as to why, ive done her levels to completion over and over and I havent unlocked it still. Any help is appreciated.
She doesn't but the newest PC version has her own gameplay. To unlock it you must find girls abducted by goblin in level 8, 13 and 15. Finding anyone of them will unlock Annie's level in extras menu.
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Game is updated!!!
Thank you Lags
What is it you're doing with the sugar boss
Changing her design and boss fight.
Thanks Lags.
For the Jelly enemy, is it on the newest level 17 or does it randomly appear in any level?
Yes, the new enemies are level specific. Jellyfish on level 14 and shellworm on level 17.
what is the version ?
is it going to be free in some times ?
Lags there is no 4th level for annie
Not added her level 4 yet.
Thank you lags❤️❤️ you're amazing
Thank you!
Won't lie, the previous zoom feature was more practical, it allowed us to quickly check out the enviroment and go back to normal.
I bought the game but I can't even play it😭😭 Please LAGS help me with this problem im on Android
You probably downloaded the wrong Android version
Solo por curiosidad tienes alguna otra plataforma aparte de YouTube y esta??.
Por cierto buen trabajo el que haces y espero con ansias la próxima actualización.
Hello Lags, after a while of learning on how to use Unity and developing a 2d sidescroller game, I must say I commend you for getting far to this point in creating a game alone. This is so much work for 1 person
Thank you!
It's no easy at first but once you know how things work it becomes a little easy.
I hope I can be on par with you in the future
I will not be making more of Hailey's animations with goblins but there is one NPC who can use this animation.
Show post...
Bro wtf Is this It's cursed al picture. The'yr faces look like not really goblin but chimpanzee and neanderthal breed.
will the next update be out by the week
Soon. Done making content for this update. Now checking if I'm able to unlock everything.
LAGS, how is the finalization going for v0.7.2?
Done with animation gallery. Will make 2-3 images and test if everything unlocks well.
r u gonna release it today?
No, I think he's gonna release it next month probably, in June
what does the zombie in level 14 want, and how can i get it? and have there been any changes to the game that i should reinstall it?
Nothing. He is just saying he loves girls with bigger breasts.
If you left on version 0.6.2 then there's Annie's gameplay added to the story.
thanks lags, i went from playing for fun to grinding tf outa this game lmao
Yo Lags, I got the latest version for Windows, if the game updates, do I delete the game and install it again or does my game automatically get updated?
If you install itchio app, it auto updates like Steam engine, otherwise you have to install it again.
But I installed the free version frok itch.io, does the auto-update only count for when you buy the new version for 2$ or does it also count for installing free version?
Only the new version. Old one is not suppose to be here but I decided to keep it for anyone who want to try very old version of the game.
Is Annie's Expedition a part of the new version for 2$
If so, will it ever be free or remain 2$?
Annie's Expedition is part of new version for $2. It comes together with the $2 version
When do you reckon you will be done creating level 18 and 19 so that android will be updated?
I have no idea. If level 18 doesn't have a new enemy type I will be able to complete it soon.
Great Game! Waiting impatiently for an Update!
Same lol. I check almost every day
lol same
when will there be an update for android?
After level 19.
When’s the next update coming we waiting eagerly
When is Android updated?Can anyone tell me?
when the game is completed
When level 18 is done for PC.
Only the blank ones unlocks. Ones with scribbling on it are placeholder at the moment.
When level 19 Hailey is finished for PC it will be ported to Android, LAGS said
Can I play Annie's level on Android?
Please put the hacks like in your old chapters, I've lost the data many times and I wish I could play faster... please friend
Can we get an estimated time on when the game drops for Android?
I know it's said after the game is completed but we've been waiting for far too long for an update to drop for Android.
when will the next update be?
An odd problem: I played 'til dungeon ten with no issue, but upon opening the game today to play I can no longer get Hailey to do the army-crawl so I can access those areas. She'll crouch but no farther! It's very strange.
Probably changed input button for that. Depending on the mode you have press down button twice or button assigned to that action. It can be changed in options menu.
13레벨을 클리어했는데 다음레벨이 나오지 않네요.
You must be playing older version then. But I will see if there is something that wrong with the code unlocking next levels.
Lags, How do you start the football mission?
please, help me
football mission is on youtube LAGS. Try your checking
Can you play Annie's expedition in 0.6.3?
No. It's only after v.0.7.
Dónde está la cueva sin fondo
Level 15
Vai vir ano que vem só a 1.0 gente
Hello LAGS, I hope you're well, I really don't know if you read this but I'm curious, anyway, several days ago I was reviewing the HTA achievements and I noticed that there are several enemies that are not in the game, like the mantis, the slime, the golem and the mummies, what I want to get at is why aren't they in the game? Still not including them in the game? And I also wanted to ask if you would ever think about translating the game into any other language besides English. I ask this because I am Mexican and would love the game in Spanish. I await your answers and thank you very much in advance.
(Sorry for my bad English but I used google translate XD) (Have you thought about adding a werewolf to the game, maybe as a boss like sugar or as a normal enemy?)
I also thought the same , it would be cool if there are mummies in the game , maybe lags just forgot about them.
Golem and mantis were part of an old build of the game. In the new version they will be replaced. Mummy on the other hand is planned for future levels.
I will not be translating game myself but it can be done by editing csv files in games Streaming Assets folder.
I've plan for making a manwolf like creature for Annie's level. It's just an idea at the moment. I will have to see how it turns out.
That actually sounds like an incredible plan. Hopefully everything turns out good.
When will you add version 7.1.2 to Android?
He will realease that version if the 7.1.2 pc levels are done
I cannot seem to unlock Annie's third area in version and I cannot find any info online as to why, ive done her levels to completion over and over and I havent unlocked it still. Any help is appreciated.
New levels are being released gradually.
Find abducted girls in Hailey's level. They should be in level 8,13,15.
Don't worry lags we wait for you (I won't let myself answer your last comment so I wrote it in a separate one xddd).
wich country?
There isn't. I don't have plan of launching it on Steam yet.
Where is 7.1.2 for android
hey lags how is it going ? have any news for us?
You can know more about the latest news here https://ingeniusstudios.itch.io/haileys-treasure-adventure/devlog/439238/rebuild...
i know that but i mean something like , is it going well or it´s been stop for a wile
LAGS, are you working/dropping the android update soon?, i have no pc unfortunately lol
That's gonna take a while since he's still working on lvl 17 for pc
LAGS, looking forward to the next update! Have you started production on your PIC clone any? Looking forward to that!
PIC like game is not being worked on yet. After HTA, LSH and CB remake is done will begin work on it.
I'll help you answer, complete up to 16 areas. find the girl kidnapped by the goblins on levels 8, 13, and 15. There are hidden areas in the levels
Does anyone know how to make Annie, follow you in the game?
She doesn't but the newest PC version has her own gameplay. To unlock it you must find girls abducted by goblin in level 8, 13 and 15. Finding anyone of them will unlock Annie's level in extras menu.
My levels only go up to 13, and when i try to update it it makes me have to pay again
If you have already purchase the game go to 'My Library' to download the latest version.
Played the game on android and started it on pc, in extras im not seeing the animations page on windows, is it only on android?
The new version doesn't have animation gallery yet.
ok i look forward to it being added, i love the game, keep up the good work
They are place holder at the moment.
On the surface, try to find her using zooming out function.
Try making a running jump over the barrier.