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(2 edits)

When will the snowman art be added?

Work in progress for now. There will be a small update adding images while I'm working on LSH.

is there any new update?


Release on steam



it's not bug, you see there are 2 balls and 2 goals.


Is there going to be another update? having some problems I can't seems to unlock some of the erotic pictures of the game in Android..even though I all ready unlock the animation...  Some examples ( snowman cum, goblin 2, 3,4) and other more.. Pls help... And I can't also find the zombie girl.. 

(1 edit)

Zombie girl temporarily removed by LAGS in android version. Erotic image with scribbles has not been added to the game. Will be added later along with Annie enemy in frost cave level.

Thank a lot for the reply good sir..

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Hello lads, where is Head Hunter and Shellworm. I don't kwon

Head hunter in level 16.

Shell-Worm in level 17.


Hello lags, will the game have gamepad support?


Where can I get this unlocked?


Bro me como se consiguen las animaciones arriba de los hombres hongo?? Y ya te digo como se consiguen las de abajo..!?

Estan en el mismo nivel que el caracol calavera, buscalos que los vas a encontrar, no estan escondidos

That animations are the pink slime in differents positions: in floor,in  wall, in the roof

How can ı find pink slime in android

you need to complete hailey's adventure and you will unlock another game mode called annie's adventure, there is the pink slime and other creatures

Deleted 98 days ago
(1 edit)

Do you need to masturbate in front of the head hunter to unlock it

Lags, I can't find the zombie girl in the Ruins


Hello Lags, it's been a while. I know you already have a complete list of entities and mobs for the next update but I want to ask; is there an enemy in your WIP or concept that uses siphon where fucking heals itself?


Lag, Do you think that next first month of the year 2025 might you have another update for HTA ?

How do I get what I'm missing? 

You need to bring Jelly Hailey to Mason.  The way I did it was put a teleporter over where the Special Zombie spawns and kited the first Jellyfish over there.  Then you can go to the secret wall on the right while Jelly Hailey chases you.


Do you count the kappa boss (view from YouTube)


Thanks for the answer

(1 edit)

How do I get this animation please tell me  LAGS I hope for you


In Annie's cherry forest cave, get Ruth for Mason's quest. Now talk to them once then find his sister Melissa and talk to her. Do level objectives and be careful not to touch the arrow that completes level. Go past it and talk to Melissa again. Now she will be go where Mason and Ruth are. Talk to them and this animation is unlocked.

How do I get the one right below the circled one?

where did you get this animation?

why can't i press

You have to unlock Mason and Emerald animation.


There are a few things you have to do.

1.Make sure the girl in blue uniform is not in the next room.

2.If she is not there talk to Emerald and leave without buying anything. If you buy anything even once you have restart the level.

3.If everything is done correctly they will engage in sex. You have to wait until bar below her is filled completely.

Deleted 112 days ago

ok but let me ask is there next update

Lags, I can't find the file anywhere here.

There no need for StreamingAssets in latest Android version.

Hello lags where do i find rose?

There is no Rose in Android version.

Oh, well thanks for telling me

i cant get to level 3 from annies adventure it just open the level selecto

To get level 3 your must rescue a girl in Hailey's level 13.

oh and were can i found the other grirls to save for the 2 other leve


Whatsup LAGS I downloaded it on my Mac and It just says ,,the program Haileys treasure adventure can't be opened" do u know what to do or maybe some else ?

Mac users need these extra steps to get the game to work.


Bye then way thanks lag's for accepting my request of a mini game ( bye the way did you also try the game which I mention ? 🌚)

I haven't.

how to unlock this

How do i unlock these


how do i unlock this level please answer

How can i get this Animation?? 

Deleted 98 days ago

How much a guy gotta tip to get another update on this? Love this game and tired of waiting, Take my money! lol But seriously this is my fav game in this genre and I need more of these freaky sisters

Sorry, but work is on hold for this game. There will be more of this game in the future.

Deleted 113 days ago
(1 edit)

I can recommend one ( free game )

How i can get these scenes?

I think first one is from Hailey's level 1. If you have level 4 unlocked, go back to level 1 and find Ruth and Mason. Stand extremely close to them for a minute and Annie should come there.

The rest are just Moon's other animation that can be switch every 30 seconds if you hit the plan board.

Ty bro,I saw in one of your reply that you did to someone, and I read that you hurt your hand, how is your hand?

como conseguiste el de ariba y el de al lado?el gris ese

tenes que dejarte cojer por una medusa entre 3 a 5 veces para que la medusa se transforme en un clon de hailey, despues de que se haya transformado podes:dejarte cojer por ella, que se coja a la mercader,o que el zombie marron se la coja, yo te recomiendo que dejes al zombie marron en la superficie y despues lleves al clon. Cabe recalcar que una vez que la medusa coje con alguien esta se va a masturbar(en caso de que lo haga con hailey), o se va a morir (en caso de que coja con la mercader) si lo hace con el zombie la va a cojer hasta que se muera

muchisimas gracias

Me explican que hacer con esta?

Tenes que dejarte cojer por un gusano verde, despues vas con annie y esperas a que salga el huevo del gusano, una vez que sale del huevo el gusano, este mismo se va a ir a coger a annie


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Como se consigue esta animación 

When will there be an update for this game


Not any time soon because next update is going to be images only and I've broken a bone in my palm.


Sorry to hear that Lags, I wish you a fast and smooth recovery 🙂👍

How do you make jelly hailey past the golden gate on level 14?

I just used a teleporter next to the special zombie to kite a jellyfish over there.


Como obtengo estas últimas animaciones y donde y como

Let the zombie do a grab move and don't try to get away. In Annie's game of course.


Hey LAGS, I can't buy this game. Why?

Could be because your card not supporting international transaction or from a sanctioned country.

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What should I do? Pls, I want this game. Can you send me this game as a gift? I'll give you 3$ for that.

First payment bruh 🌚


Hey LAGS, I had an idea how to improve the achievements, for example, for the achievements of Honey Maker, we get the opportunity to unlock a unique animation with Honey-makers, or for the achievements of Understand my Pain, we get the opportunity to unlock a unique animation of Annie with 2 creatures. How do you like the idea?


Could be great hidden content but I'm trying get these projects done as early as possible.

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