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One question? 

That mason guy that people talk about is he on haileys adventure or annies 

And how do i unlock him i heard people talk about a hidden laptop and mena boss or smth 

Can someone explain lol thanks in advance im new here


He is in both, to start in halieys on the first level when you start and go to the left you can hear something (try jumping the barrier). Once you do they will be there having a good time (secret animation if you stay there long enough). He will also appear on the 14th leven in this hidden area(see image attached) there will be some story to this so good luck.  and in Annie's he will show up in the first training level and will have two animations one with Annie and one with the shop keep. He will also appear in the football quest(Soccer for my American groups) and that has 3 different goals. His last animations will be in the cherry cave(must have football quest done as well) he will have 4 more animations there as well if you can figure them out, good luck and happy fun times 🤟

 pls help me , open all of this 😞


The last one in the second picture is being attacked by slime on the ceiling.

(1 edit)

 Obviously I got this bug.

(This is the latest version

Some of the images are not there yet.

Deleted 100 days ago
Deleted 100 days ago
Deleted 100 days ago
Deleted 100 days ago
Deleted 100 days ago

HTA V 0.6.3 chickens at what level

There are none in this version


DAMN! +800% of your goal! Love to see so much support for this game. I always enjoy playing it, and i see there was an update recently. i'mma have to play that now. Thanks LAGS!!!!

Sry i have a problem with moon i can't find her in level 3, i search in every wall in the level and one time i try to go to level 4 to find the goblin if the quest is bugged and i just found a house with a panel that say no blond girl allowed and i just give up. can someone help me just to find moon the rest i now where is it. (sorry for my bad english)

check against the wall where the rope is on level 3 should be just bellow the end of the rope, and for the goblins go to the shack then telliport back to the start afterwards you will find your prize(shoot the sign afterwards).

Hey where is the key  for golden door in lvl 14 its not in the secret roomm in lvl 15

Talk to the lovely lady on 17(far right side on the surface)

i really need help it's been like this since the release of the newest version

how did you get this?

Hey LAGS, does the Android version also have the alternate English texts? I can't find a way to enable it.

Jellyhaily no llega a alcanzar a alguien, se muere antes

Hi LAGS Where did those grey guys go on level 14? Sorry for my English I use a translator

Quien es jellyhaily?

Jellyfish enemy transform into her to after having sex with hailey at least 3 or more times/

when will there be a new update?

No major update any time soon. Also work is on hold because of my palm injury.

Como completo la misión de las muñecas sexuales?

What sex doll? There is none in this game.

When will we be able to unlock all the gallery images

There will be a small update with more unlocakable images.


alguien sabe como pasar mi proceso a la version mas nueva del juego?

o tengo que iniciar de  cero  nuevamente

Unfortunately after latest OS update it's difficult to retain data if an uninstall is required.

Hi LAGS, about your new game Lostful Spirit Hunt, do you intend to release versions for Android?

No plan for Android yet.

which version is the newest/has the most content? I don't want to play through one just to find out I already beat that version lol

0.7.3. It varies depending on platforms.

Does anyone know how to unlock all the animations in this game, including npc, haliey, and anie?

How do I get away from the snowmen?

Run there's a small window before snowman catches you. If you look in its direcyion it will stop.

Please tell me in detail what I need to do. Thanks.

How do you unlock the two bald animations?

You can try looking on YouTube on the channel it's L30N4 & Doomscizor.

I can't explain it to you, I'm not good at English.

Shopkeeper and jellihaily

thank you

Why did it die before it reached the store?

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

How can i get the 3&4 red chickens animations at the mage boss they just stop at 2 every time i tried


Those chicken's are shy. Let them be sure a couple of time before joining in.

How can I unlock this animations?

In Rainy level of Annie's gameplay find a girl named Moon. When you have jetpack follow the rope down the right hole until you enter a secret room. Talk to her. Go to Frost Peak level and find Goblin house for her.

This won't install on Android despite meeting your listed requirements (demo version)

Yes, the old version can only be played properly on PC. on android on any version of mobile phone will not work. that's why the rebuild version was made.

Demo version is the first version of the rebuild. so there are many shortcomings. demo version only supports 32 bit and at that time android version has not reached the current version 14 and above.

What should I do with this?

(It's a picture of another person.)

First level, find him banging the tall blonde. Stand extremely close to them for a while and Annie should be there. You need to have level 4 unlocked for that.

What is the estimated time for the next version?

Unsure. But this one's gonna be just images and a new enemy for Annie's game.

i changed macs and i lost all my save progress 😭

That bad 😷

nvm i just got a save file off somewhere we good

Please tell me what to do.

Bring Jellyhailey to shopkeeper. 

For second, make sure you have level 4 unlocked. Go back to level 1, find the group behind left barrier. Stand extremely close to the ones that's having sex for sometime. Annie will show up soon.

Deleted 139 days ago

Find Mason on top side where you break the gem. Then go the telephone, you should see option to call Melanie or Judy.

I think there's a bug with Annies expedition. I beat the mushroom man level. it teleported me back to the first level with the eggs and bats. when I beat that it goes back to the mushroom man level. My gear doesn't spawn in the mushroom man level either so I have no combat abilities or flight.

(1 edit)

Some gallery pics not unlocking either

The ones with scribbling on it are not unlockable yet.


Thank you, for reporting. I will try to follow the steps to replicate the issue and solve it the next update.

I appreciate your response :)

(1 edit)

everyone's names changed and the dialouges became a lil weird.

Try changing language to English in main menu. This is also English but with different dialogues.


Really enjoyed the game the paid version is different than the demo but it don't cost a lot and very much worth it 

Yeah, that tend to happen if I'm changing some elements in paid version. But glad you enjoyed the game.

Deleted 139 days ago

Mason x annie, in level tutorial annie (nowhere inn)

Hey, LAGS! Just wanted to know how progress is going on the images that will be added next update. 

And also here to report a bug: Idk if you had seen this already but there are 2 Annie animations that are broken. The 2 zombies animation doesn't work as intended with the auto play mode, it becomes invisible when they cum. Also, Annie x Skullslug is broken, as it looks like the frames are in some way doubled??

Would be nice to get an update on these 2 things!

Hello, the progress is little slow. I have done two images though.

Thank you for reporting these bugs will take a look and fix them in next update.


Hii LAGS!! Quick question, how can I unlock the last two? Thanks!

Let the slime grab her from other sides.

which version is this one?

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