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What should I do with this?

(It's a picture of another person.)

First level, find him banging the tall blonde. Stand extremely close to them for a while and Annie should be there. You need to have level 4 unlocked for that.

What is the estimated time for the next version?

Unsure. But this one's gonna be just images and a new enemy for Annie's game.

i changed macs and i lost all my save progress 😭

That bad 😷

nvm i just got a save file off somewhere we good

Please tell me what to do.

Bring Jellyhailey to shopkeeper. 

For second, make sure you have level 4 unlocked. Go back to level 1, find the group behind left barrier. Stand extremely close to the ones that's having sex for sometime. Annie will show up soon.

Deleted 6 days ago

Find Mason on top side where you break the gem. Then go the telephone, you should see option to call Melanie or Judy.

I think there's a bug with Annies expedition. I beat the mushroom man level. it teleported me back to the first level with the eggs and bats. when I beat that it goes back to the mushroom man level. My gear doesn't spawn in the mushroom man level either so I have no combat abilities or flight.

(1 edit)

Some gallery pics not unlocking either

The ones with scribbling on it are not unlockable yet.


Thank you, for reporting. I will try to follow the steps to replicate the issue and solve it the next update.

I appreciate your response :)

(1 edit)

everyone's names changed and the dialouges became a lil weird.

Try changing language to English in main menu. This is also English but with different dialogues.

Really enjoyed the game the paid version is different than the demo but it don't cost a lot and very much worth it 

Yeah, that tend to happen if I'm changing some elements in paid version. But glad you enjoyed the game.

Deleted 6 days ago

Mason x annie, in level tutorial annie (nowhere inn)

Hey, LAGS! Just wanted to know how progress is going on the images that will be added next update. 

And also here to report a bug: Idk if you had seen this already but there are 2 Annie animations that are broken. The 2 zombies animation doesn't work as intended with the auto play mode, it becomes invisible when they cum. Also, Annie x Skullslug is broken, as it looks like the frames are in some way doubled??

Would be nice to get an update on these 2 things!

Hello, the progress is little slow. I have done two images though.

Thank you for reporting these bugs will take a look and fix them in next update.


Hii LAGS!! Quick question, how can I unlock the last two? Thanks!

Let the slime grab her from other sides.

which version is this one?

please lags we beg you. Teach us how to make 2D games. We will also send you money every month


It's better if you ask someone who have actually learn coding. I've learnt it all from YouTube tutorial and UnityForums to really not the best guy to learn from.

Okay, if you want it that way, so be it. We only offered you such an offer to support you and learn something. We will not forget to mention you in our games

You are great we love your work

what does annie mean by this?


Android doesn't use translation system so it's an oversight. In case you are curious this is what she says,

I knew it. It's those pesky goblin's luring victims for sex. Anyone, who never been to real Go B. Lin Party club will definitely get tricked by this. We will warn everyone about this place.

Is the a android version ever gonna have the features of the pc version?

Do you mean Rose and Judy? Probably in next major update.

Quien puede decirme en que parte esta el pasadiso secreto del 4 nivel de Annie porfa, llevo buscandolo pero no lo encuentro, tambien veo que hay un monstruo Helliealley o algo como se crea a ese monstruo?

There is no secret passage in level 4. You can make Jellyhailey by letting the jellyfish enemy have sex with Hailey 3 or more times.

I have the complete data file, if you want, just call me on Instagram: @biel.br_z

In Annie's level 4 (frost peak cave) - where do we put the soccer balls?

It's in the same spot where you find wooden goal post but pull the lever ahead to reveal the true goal post.

¿Por qué se bugea abajo en las minas? no puedo jugar por qué es como que se repite cada que avanza, se repite la escena muchas veces, así como en la foto de abajo enfrente de heayleys, se bugea así

What do you mean? if you mean version then update the game now to version


¿Alguien me puedes decir como puedo cumplir los objetivos de la página 8?, por favor.

Manties and golems are removed, only animations will be available in version 1.0. Slimes and mummies are enemies in future levels.


Hey LAGS, When can I expect a new update approximately? 

(1 edit)

LAGS once said that HTA would get an update when 3 maps on LSH games were added.  Estimated next year.

Hi, I bought the game two days ago and downloaded the latest version for Android, however, Annie's levels didn't appear to play, is there a problem with the download link or is there a secret to unlocking it? (I have already completed Hailey's levels):(

English is not my first language, I am using the translator;(


Find girl in level 3, 8, 13, 15

All secret in v.


Rescue girls in level 8,15,13 and 3(must have level 11 unlocked). After that go to extras menu.


Hey LAGS, I miss the Golems and the gray enemy from level 14 :(

Sorry, but they will not be making any come back as enemies.

Why doesnt mason appear on lvl 14?

Yo hta community 😶 so I want to ask if there is anyone who have completed the game gallery so pls msg me I need a help 🙃

I can help

Have you completed the gallery?


So can you send me the data file of com.lags from data with the help of any file manager ex:- mt manager 🙏 


alguien me puede decir como desbloquear esto 

Help please 🙏 

Hola, me gustaría saber lo que dicen los personajes del juego pero yo no sé inglés y me gustaría que tuviera una traducción al español

Sufro lo mismo bro

How do I get a red haired girl?

Hey LAGS, why was she naked before after defeating the Boss at level 8, and now she's wearing clothes? As for me, she looks more beautiful naked.

Do you mean boss in level 8? Yeah for older version she loses cloths on difficult mode.

Why doesn't she lose her clothes now?

(2 edits)
How i can unlock the others animation for this girl?

How do I open these two? 


How do I get this animation ?

How can I open these animation I'm stuck trying

Hailay's are 3 and 4 chickens in the boss mena, and you must also masturbate in front of the boss mena, Annie's are two gray guys, even with the gray guys you must let them grab you until you die, then it's the two guys mushrooms, there are so many others that I ended up forgetting =]

Sorry for my english, 

 it's not my native language

Thank you very much, bro

How can I open these images I'm stuck trying


These images that have scribbles have not been added yet =]

How can I open that black part over there? I've seen a cave-like place in a few spots, but I don't know how to open it. I would really appreciate your help!


This level has not been added yet.


But this level seems open in some people

Hey LAGS i was wonderin is there a way to change your jewel value or cheat in jewels mostly because im too lazy to grind for them


What kind of Golems? Can I take a screenshot?

Hey lags, why did you eliminate the golems in this latest version but they still appear in the missions?

(I love your games!)

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