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Is the android version still being optimized?

(1 edit) (+2)

Yup, with great changes/improvements being made as well


OK thanks, do you also know if there is an estimated release date?

(2 edits)

All I know is based on the rebuild dev notes. No date has been given


Ok thanks.


Hey sorry to send another message but your game was glitching and I'm running lesson you go old version of Android so yeah here's the screenshot of it


Have tried the rebuild version without URP? I sure that one will work smoothly with your device.


Hope everything goes good with your game when you eventually release the new update for Android keep up the great work with your games you make good stuff

(1 edit) (+3)

And for linux? i'll buy, but dont run on Linux ;-


I haven't tested any on my games on linux yet. But, will install it and see if it works.


Happy weekends everyone!

Here's some cat pics to enjoy!


I saw that you striked out the goblins. Does that mean there won't be any goblins on the game anymore?


No. The strike content is pushed to update after this one.


Phew, thank God :P

I thought you lost that content along with the hard drive too.

Allright, back to anxiously waiting for the awesome update to come ;)


What will be in the next update also if ur adding new levels how many will be added.


Please check the bottom of Rebuild Devlog. All information is posted there.


Hey, im using an android and im not sure why but it keeps on crashing after i press the start button for level 1. I was able to play it once after it crashed but the game froze when i got back to anne. I tried it with both versions 2.1 and 2.2 but its still crashing so yea was hoping id get some help with this.


These versions are not supported by most of the devices. Currently working on a new build that will be supported by more devices. Right now there is one available in demo section with five playable levels. More content is being added.


Any way to remove those versions? Must be a pain answering these questions every few days


Not yet! They will be moved to demo section as an extra after this update.


ooo alright thanks for replying !


Love the dialogue and characters. Despite some wonky controls and unclear parts I enjoyed every part of it.


It will be better once the new build is up.


Good day! do you have any idea when the next build is coming? I cannot wait for it <3


Probably in three weeks, if everything works after finishing implementing things.


It's a good game just getting random crashes on a android.. is there a way to get notifications on this game so I can play the rebuild when it comes out?


You will get an email if the game is updated.

(1 edit) (+4)

Happy weekends everyone!

Hope all of you able to enjoy your weekends with cute spider gifs!


Great game! I like the art and the gameplay. The animations are lovely also. I look forward for more!  Is there any plans to introduce any four-legged enimies? Like dog/wolf? And maybe a old perverted mage, which can give her powers for some lewd time in return? Hehe

Again well done!


Android version. Game randomly crashes while im playing a level. Could not make out the cause. It does not crash at a specific time or during an action.


Working on a rebuild version for android. Currently one available in demo with 5 playable levels.


Does the current purchasable version have an animation for the second section? I haven't found anything that fills it.


It doesn't. It was suppose to be for masturbation animation only available in rebuild demo.


is there any bdsm in this?


There isn't any as this game doesn't have that theme.


Work is on hold since my laptop is in the repair center for frequent freezes. Once it's back will need to redo level 9 and few snow man sprites as I was not able to take back up.

I extremely apologize for this delay.


Is the game nearly complete and Will it have both final boss and ending?


With this coming update almost 50% of content will be playable. 

Final level will not have any boss fight. The ending will depend on your actions.


Which means it's almost done after the next release


That sucks, I do hope it won't be anything too bad and it will be resolved quickly.

Why is it that I see this issue happen to so many developers or artists?

Fingers crossed, good wind


I don't know it was bugging me three month ago but at that time it didn't happened when it was on charging. Later after few days the issue was completely gone and now it is back freezing the system even if it is left idle. I still tried resolve it on my end by resetting PC, updating drivers but that didn't work. I was little hesitant because of my data but submitted the laptop anyway as it was the last resort.

I too hope it will be resolved quickly.


So, it's been a while, I was very happy to play the newest version and find it's really awesome. The dialogue is much improved, the shop is a welcome bonus (shopkeeper sex? :wink:, also her dialogue is funny sometimes) and the game plays buttery smooth. I don't think I've had a bug, performance drop, or crash. It's brilliant. 

Also, masturbation is a great addition. All the new sex scenes are at least good and most are great (I love the new 2 skeleton gangbang particularly), and having the Annie sex animations is great.

I do have some suggestions:

- Bat enemy can have sex with annie. I can get one to her in stage four, so...

- Bats would also be perfect for gangbangs. Just FYI

- Gangbangs with multiple types of enemy, if possible. And Annie Gangbangs if possible, seeing as you can get loads of egg enemies to spawn. I get that this would be a lot of work so no worries if it's too much.

- Ability to change keybinds. This is important because I'm still working off of the old keybinds so I occasionally muck things up, so keybinds would give any player greater flexibility and comfort when playing.

- Some more puzzles would be nice, especially unique ones, especially if they don't involved 'run to door before timer runs out' because that can get tedious if there's a lot of them. Just be creative, you got this.

Okay, I lied, there was one bug:

- When in the shop, you can still 'buy' an outfit for Annie that you already own, costing you jewels

You've done a great job with the rebuild so far, I can't wait to see what else comes!


There will be a just one sex scene with shop keeper if you manage to get a certain enemy to her. This will available after in the update after this one.


1) Sorry I can't do anything else for bats and Annie's gangbang.  But there will be two things in the final update that will be much better than this.

2) Keys are already bindable. Even the controller ones too.

3) Don't worry about that. The actual puzzle and traps part is going to start after level 12.

And that's not a bug. Jewels are only for upgrades. Her cloths can be changed when it's purchased for first time.

(1 edit) (+2)

Nice, I look forward to it ;)


1 - No worries, there's a lot in here already and I'm sure it's only going to get better 

2 - I'm an idiot, I didn't even think to click on the keybinds themselves to change them. 

3 - Nice, I look forward to it!

I didn't know about the jewels / upgrades, thanks for clarifying!


Is there a way to take annie with you in rebuild? I gave a birth infront of her and she's being able to be fucked, also have unique quotes about that

(1 edit) (+3)

No, she only stays near the tent and have sex with creatures that can spawned from egg.

(1 edit) (+1)

Uh, when will we get  v.0.4.5?


0.4.5 is current demo


I mean the latest version where both hailey and her sister will get naked outfits?


Hailey's outfit can be purchased in extras in main menu while Annie's are available with the shop lady.


Will it be in the demo or the current purchase version?


It is available from demo.


How do you get the rebuild for PC? (Not the demo)


It is under development. Please check the devlog to track the progress of this update.


Just read it, nice!

(1 edit) (+2)

Not sure why, demo worked fine but after paying for the game it just crashes when i try to play level 2. Cant olay past level 1 after buying the game. On android btw


Known issue for Android. Please keep an eye for rebuild versions. Currently there's only one available in the demo section but will be adding more content to it soon.


Hey LAGS can I ask when will the next update be?


Also how to get the 4P/5P goblin animation 


You can see the progress in devlogs. 

For goblin 4P/ 5P animations you will need find a secret place in level 19.


what is the 3rd animation on the demo?


It is mastrubation animation for naked skin.

(1 edit) (+6)

Happy Weekend everyone!

Here's some pictures of praying mantis!

Have a nice weekend!


That's one of the enemy variant.


Android version not working when I begin the first level

(1 edit) (+1)

Do you mean the demo version or the purchased version?





Full version not demo


Its HTA-Android.Demo.apk


Known issue for android and making a rebuild version of it. Currently there are only five levels playable and a new enemy that was not available in the old version. You can find apk file in the demo section.


Which one from demos?


Look for this one 'HTA-Android.Demo(NoURP).apk'.


  when you wakeup and literally choose violence.  (referring to the heroine you play as.        


Well, yes but she is choosing it to protect herself from these vicious creatures. Except worms though. They are opportunistic but do not actively try to hurt her.


I have a weird bug on both versions of the PC rebuild. Every time I load up the first level I get an instant game over. It worked once, but when I tried to use the shop on level 3, the game froze and my whole laptop had an error and restarted. The death on load happens every time now.

(1 edit) (+1)

Try deleting your save file in

C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\AppData\LocalLow\LAGS\Hailey's Adventure


Did the game worked earlier before the crash?

Try the solution provided by Raven and let me know it it works.

(2 edits)

 I actually used the clear data option from inside the game and it now works.

Only saw your response now, sorry for the long wait

(1 edit) (+2)

Found a bug with the Rebuild. Seems like after you've bought clothes for Annie you can keep on buying them over and over again if you exit and re-enter the shop, leading to wastage of rubies.

Also, arrow keys seem to be unbindable for controls. Every time they are set to an action, they come out as "PRINT" which I assume is the Print Screen key.


Annie's cloths stays unlocked after purchasing it once. It's the booster effect you have to purchase again if you complete the level or exit the game. If you restart (without completing level) or exit to main menu, those effect will remain.

As for the arrows rebinding issue, I was able to bind them and they work even after restarting the application. Possibly scroll lock must be turned on to prevent using arrow keys?

(1 edit) (+2)

I am on a laptop that doesn't have a Scroll Lock function. In other games, I am able to bind my arrow keys normally. But it turns out in this game, I need to first turn off Num Lock in order to bind the arrow keys.

Same here, my older laptop had this function. Maybe it is merged together in the new models to save space.


When will you update urp version?


URP version will not be updated until the final updated.


When will it get release?


No specific date but there will be updates once 11th, 18th and 24th level is done.


Checking everyday now, really excited for the rebuild, hope you're doing well LAGS :)


I may be dum

(1 edit) (+2)

yes u r dum




I'm still waiting for this next big update with bated breath, checking in everyday. I really love this game, you've done a great job so far! I can't wait to see how it turns out in the end! I also love the improvements made so far in the rebuild.


you are not the only one, i don't remember that i have been so hyped about game


10/10 game, definitely better than Cyberpunk 👍


The game just crashes on Android whenever I start level 4. Is this a common issue or do I need to tweek some settings?


Are you facing this issue on rebuild or v.0.2.1?


On v0.2.1. I only see version 0.2.1 on the purchase link. Where would I be able to download the rebuild version?


Currently it's available in the demo section.


Will every enemy have their 3p (or more) animation and will it be some cross-enemy animations (like bugs-only when it HaileyXspiderXbee for example, or maybe HaileyXvinesXskeleton)?


Read the rebuilding  note, so now I have the answer. Thanks


When is the next update?


Can't tell exact date but I have listed features of upcoming update along with it's completion percentage.


how i can make interaction with Annie? i have Rebuild version


Hailey has to fuck with a spider or a worm and bring the egg to Annie inside (pregnant)


Wow, the demo played awesome after I had earlier version. I really look forward to the full version :) 


Also i forgot; can we put main map in "m" button? so i don't have to go to pause and then map?


Added this function and will be uploaded in an hour. If you are using controller it is mapped  to "Select" button.


Thank you very much 

(2 edits) (+4)

Hey there LAGS. Firstly, just wanted to say I really like the game. Has a good concept, and it's been neat seeing the progress. Definitely worth the purchase. Just got done trying the new rebuild and had a few points to bring up.

1. I actually asked this question over in the "Rebuilding (Latest)" page the other day, but I think you must have missed it. Figured I'd wait until you got the PC version out since there was issues with it and you didn't need more to think about. Now that it's out though, was curious about those lab animations. Just gonna copy/paste it from there.

"So,  about those lab animations. Will she be willingly fucking them as some sort of experiment? Or do the specimens escape and grab her forcibly?

Tried out the android repack on an emulator. Given her negative reaction when the egg monsters fuck her, feels like it would make more sense for the monsters to escape and grab her. Also definitely the option I'd personally prefer. She seems a little accident prone, so the idea that she messed something up in the lab and some of the captured enemies escaped and forced themselves on her is great.

But yeah, just curious about the tone of those lab animations. Hope that they still end up staying more noncon oriented. "

2. Bug report. Really minor. If you're moving while talking to Annie, you'll keep sliding in the direction you were holding. Looks like initiating the dialogue doesn't halt movement.

3. Bug report. If you're being fucked by 2 spiders next to Annie, when the animation finishes both spiders will run over to her and disappear as if they had started their sex animation. But only one spider actually fucks her. So, one of those I'm pretty sure should stay on the map.

4. Feedback. When you end a level, it would be nice to have an option to return to the stage select screen. I wanted to actually read the level descriptions while going through, but the "Menu" option takes you all the way back to the title screen.

5. Feedback. The hitboxes for pulling levers seem a bit on the small side. Have to position yourself pretty exactly to actually get the lever to pull.

EDIT: Stuff below.

6. Bug report. Doesn't look like the catgirl outfit effect is working. Unless I'm just misunderstanding how it works. Annie get's fucked and money doesn't change at all.

7. Maybe bug report? Is it intended for multiple outfit effects to be active at the same time if you buy them in the same stage? Or only the one you have selected after purchasing the effect? Example, you can have the nurse outfit selected and heal while standing near Annie, and also have the Bikini effect active for healing when Annie has sex.



1) I have read that suggestion earlier but didn't reply since I was deciding between, a single lab level or 3 expedition levels collecting few samples. I leaning more towards the sample collection gameplay.

2) Her speed was set to zero while she was talking with Annie.

3) Made a different check if spider is with Annie. Tested with multiple spider so it should not occur again.

4) Good idea, since we already have an option for going back to menu directly.

5) Increase the collider value by 1.5x.

6) It not. When she is done "100" coins were added to current money bar (Not the money that is used for shopping). It is changed to "100 + (50 x levelUnlocked)" coins.

7) Yes, multiple buffs can be activated by purchasing them at each level. Annie doesn't have to wear that particular costume to have that buff activated.


1. Ah, interesting. So the plan is for the lab content to be a bit more involved than just a simple gallery.

4. Oh, just thought of something in addition. Adding a "Return To Level Select" button in the pause menu I think would also be good. That way if you accidentally select the wrong level you can go back and pick another without exiting all the way to the title screen, or having to beat the level.

6. Ah, so I just didn't understand how it was working. It's the "level completion money" and not the money you spend at the shop. Got it.

7. I see. Thanks for the clarification.

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