The Manson quest is bugged, I tried to interact with the black hair girl after completing all of the objective it either. Make me be stuck on the dialog or I just can't move at all
It could have been updated pretty quick but I have decided to make Annie's level 4 because I don't need to draw different sprite for level. It's less time consuming but has more animations.
Make Emerald angry at Annie's tutorial level, by going in and out several times in the shop menu. When the price of goods in the shop increases, it is a sign that the mason can get closer to emerald.
Bring Mason to her and spam 'E' button and exit the store without buying anything. Once you do that enough time they will engage in sex and after that you can get discount.
I meant the new new version, the one that lil bro Lags is working on, if you wanna make 7.3 happen faster🤔 Pray to god or donate some money to lags to support him
I have purchased the game and have completed the nowhere inn and the cherry forest cave but I cannot get annie's third level, and cannot find any information on this anywhere. Any information is greatly appreciated
1st. Do Mason quest until he asks you to call Judy or Melanie. Before calling her make Rose do multiple trips. At least 3 times to when you ask her to call Judy or Melanie she will call other girl instead. After that you will see a black haired girl standing next to you. Talk to her, then complete all objectives and talk to her again. This time she will appear on top of the cave.
2nd one do same quest but call Melanie instead of Judy
On tutorial level of Annie. See if Judy doesn't appear on in next room. You can see it by zooming out near the first gate. If she doesn't spawn then get knocked down by Mason.
For the second one, do Mason quest until he asks you to call Judy or Melanie. Before calling her make Rose do multiple trips. At least 3 times to when you ask her to call Judy or Melanie she will call other girl instead. After that you will see a black haired girl standing next to you. Talk to her, then complete all objectives and talk to her again. This time she will appear on top of the cave.
dude just check others' comment. These questions are asked and answered thousands of times. The boss is now unavailable due to reworking. The rest of the girls can be found on different levels with the help/hints you can get in lv 14.
I am looking forward to buying the game but my question is if I buy it, do I have to buy it again for each update? I did not see anything of the platform I have no idea how it works.
For first three check my reply on the comment. For the fourth one, in annie's tutorial level. Talk to Emerald and exit without buying anything. Do that multiple time until she says same thing. After that lure Mason to her.
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OPara tentar fazer uma missão das garotas, ir que precisa achar o cartaz da garrata do nivel 3 e 8 se nn eu nn consigo achar
You don't need to find posters any more. Just follow cloths on ground or other hints. They are in level 8, 13 and 15.
The Manson quest is bugged, I tried to interact with the black hair girl after completing all of the objective it either. Make me be stuck on the dialog or I just can't move at all
It's fixed in latest version.
Please update for Android
Once this upcoming update is done.
Thank you
How do I get these animations
Refer to this video to unlock the animations.
For first two look for Football Quest.
For rest, check Mason's quest.
Ayo, how i get Mason x Judy, Mac x Sera and Mason x Melanie?
Find answers in this video. Check Mason's quest to unlock them.
Is the most recent version available for Android?
Not yet, but after next update it will be.
I download (Old)HTAv.0.2.2(16bit).apk for Android and it didn't work is it wrong?
Yes, it doesn't work on all Android device. Thus the new version.
Hi lags do u think that update 0.7.3 will be faster than 0.7.2?
It could have been updated pretty quick but I have decided to make Annie's level 4 because I don't need to draw different sprite for level. It's less time consuming but has more animations.
Additionally planning to add both bosses in game.
How can I fight with her and how to escape
Check the devlog. She is WIP.
А как ты её нашол? я всё обыскал и не чего не нашёл
how can i get to her cave
Hi lag is lv 19 in update 0.7.3?
level 4 of Annie.
Is there already lv 19 on update 0.7.3? Because I've been waiting for the android version
And how do I get mason to take care of the assassin in level 5
She is still WIP.
I still cant get the discount for Annie level
Make Emerald angry at Annie's tutorial level, by going in and out several times in the shop menu. When the price of goods in the shop increases, it is a sign that the mason can get closer to emerald.
K and I did it several times and nothing changed and the price didn't change at all
Bring Mason to her and spam 'E' button and exit the store without buying anything. Once you do that enough time they will engage in sex and after that you can get discount.
How do i get to the secret on level 1 i can hear it but no way to get to it
Keep try to knock over the left barrier
I keep trying and it won't fall over
Hey where are the saves stored for this? I want to start a new playthrough now that the update is out
There is an option to erase data in game. But you can find save file in "C:/User/USERNAME/AppData/LocalLow/LAGS/Hailey's Adventure".
aah okay, thank you very much, I didn't find the option at a quick glance
Por que no agregan este juego en steam? recibiria muy buen apoyo
I might add this one on steam.
sooooooo when is the update dropping for android
When the new laptop/pc version comes out
But the pc version just went from 7.1 to 7.2
I meant the new new version, the one that lil bro Lags is working on, if you wanna make 7.3 happen faster🤔 Pray to god or donate some money to lags to support him
I have purchased the game and have completed the nowhere inn and the cherry forest cave but I cannot get annie's third level, and cannot find any information on this anywhere. Any information is greatly appreciated
Find girls abducted by goblins in level 8 and 13.
Where do I find the 3/4 goblin level?
Nvm I found it
lvl 15
Can you tell me how to get the following two animations?
1st. Do Mason quest until he asks you to call Judy or Melanie. Before calling her make Rose do multiple trips. At least 3 times to when you ask her to call Judy or Melanie she will call other girl instead. After that you will see a black haired girl standing next to you. Talk to her, then complete all objectives and talk to her again. This time she will appear on top of the cave.
2nd one do same quest but call Melanie instead of Judy
How to unlock this animation?

On tutorial level of Annie. See if Judy doesn't appear on in next room. You can see it by zooming out near the first gate. If she doesn't spawn then get knocked down by Mason.
For the second one, do Mason quest until he asks you to call Judy or Melanie. Before calling her make Rose do multiple trips. At least 3 times to when you ask her to call Judy or Melanie she will call other girl instead. After that you will see a black haired girl standing next to you. Talk to her, then complete all objectives and talk to her again. This time she will appear on top of the cave.
Pleaae update app for android version too
When will it be released for Android?
LAGS I have a question How can i do Magma's Quest because i can't see Magma robot in the cave except the broken woman robot
or i will do what secret event or not?
check bottom left side of map. you might hear something different.
Thank you LAGS
I found it but how do I turn off the electricity barrier
Barrier disappears when you lose you jetpack.
the hiddien boss in level 8 is not showing for me
dude just check others' comment. These questions are asked and answered thousands of times. The boss is now unavailable due to reworking. The rest of the girls can be found on different levels with the help/hints you can get in lv 14.
and how do i find the other girl in Hailey story
Level 8, 13 and 15.
how do you make the shopkeeper mad in annie level
Talk to her and exit without buying anything. If you bought something then restart the level.
Is anyone else losing 10 health every time they swing their pickaxe?
It's new self damage pick ax feature for hardcore players.
Just kidding, it's actually left out code I used to test shellworm animations. Don't bind anything to 'J' until next patch.
Ha ha. Gotcha will change the bindings
how the actual fuck to i beat the first obsticale in lvl 17, the one where you have to jump on a spike platform,
Running jump does the trick. There is sufficient time to jump on the other side.
Find secret place in level 14 beyond the golden gate. Check walls.
What do we need to do after mason spawn ?
I am looking forward to buying the game but my question is if I buy it, do I have to buy it again for each update? I did not see anything of the platform I have no idea how it works. once and enjoy updates forever
Which level have the jellyfish? i cannot find it in level 17
damn wtf happened to hailey
Which one? I ran into such problem for red skeleton during bug testing but now all of the multi scenes work.
how to unlock all npcs from annies expedision ?
It's here
help, how do can i unlock these animations

1. It belong to Jellyhailey. In level 14, find secret place beyond the golden gate. Check all walls.
2.Ruth in level 1 hailey's game.
3.Do Mason's quest in Annie's level 2 but make rose do at least 4 trips. Then select the option. It will call Ruth instead of any of the given option.
4.Will unlock if you do 2nd.
5.In level 1, stand on top of Ruth and Mason's sprite. Annie will come there eventually.
thank you lags i really like your games
i cant find ruth in level 1 and annie is gone when i got back up lags and which is mason quest the inn that level 2 right
Yes, she on other side of left barrier.
Annie's game level 2.
Help, I don't know how to get these animations
For first three check my reply on the comment. For the fourth one, in annie's tutorial level. Talk to Emerald and exit without buying anything. Do that multiple time until she says same thing. After that lure Mason to her.
and how to unlock every part of annies adventure map
There are 3 maps so far, just beat the game on Hailey's and you'll unlock it