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Hola una pregunta en el nivel 13 se puede hacerse ala puerta que hay a mano derecha al principio y si es así como se puede hacer 🤔

A porta é apenas uma decoração, você não pode entrar


Happy Tuesdays everyone! ❤️

Can't wait for the HTA next update!

I discovered something interesting today! Nippara Limestone Cave

The map of the cave,

A small river stream in the cave.

A staircase in the cave. The cave is known for staying 17 Celsius all year round.

A small shrine in the cave, build by Yamabushis (Medieval Ascetic Mountain Monks) during Edo period (1603-1868). They lived and carried out Buddhist-Shinto syncretic hermitic practices in the cave.

The idols from Edo period,

The statue of Enmusubi-Kannon (goddess of matchmaking), the goddess who bless a love couple, or assist any single to meet their other half.

There are signs that Goddess of Matchmaking is still worshipped by locals in Tokyo nowadays, the locals pray, then toss a 1 yen coin near the statue, wishing they will find their other half soon. So the surroundings of the statue is full of shiny coins. 

The stalactites and stalagmites of Nippara Cave.

The scenery after stepping outside of the cave.

wow it's so beautiful

That's one way to give me idea about upcoming levels.

These images show caves are terrifying yet so beautiful.

Excuse me, what levels are the girls at (the three girls)

Lara Croft's level, Candy level, and Deepest level. 

Al descargar el juego falla y me saca del juego en Android

Seguro que descárgate la versión Android? Si es así, pues supongo que será por el móvil o algo 😔

Is it possible  to make it playable on Android?or will you add it eventually?

Android update will come when 1.0 releases 

No, LAGS said it will be out after Haileys' 19th level is done


how much time do you estimate it until LAGS finish level 19?  I know doing coding, editing and drawing etc... it's hard but I'm just eager to play the game again with a new and amazing updates.

oh you right, i forgot


will there be anymore slut hailey lines throughout the base game?


I will probably make a csv file that can replace those dialogues.

If that makes it possible to add additional lines of dialog then I think its a great idea. 

i cannot open the game on mac idk why


If you are getting 'This application can't be opened' message then try steps in this video.

Perdón pero soy nuevo en esto y  aún no me queda exactamente claro, sobre el nuevo contenido agregado junto con los niveles de Annie, está disponible también para android? Y si compro hoy está versión, cuando salga otra nueva tendré que pagar de nuevo?


Hola buenas. 

Si compras esta versión no te tendras que preocupar porque a medida de que lags vaya sacando nuevo contenido, como que ya has pagado pues solamente deberás descargar el parche más reciente y ya. 

Respecto a los niveles de Annie en Android, lags esta terminando la version 1.0 y si no recuerdo mal también lo traerá para Android al mismo tiempo, así que no te preocupes porque lo tendras si o si. 

En relación a las novedades pues está esta sección de comentarios en el que lags responde a todos cada 2 días aproximadamente, en el apartado de (development log) Rebuild Update 0.7.2 Plans (Latest) ahí podrás ver lo nuevo que hará y abajo comentarios de la gente. 

Por cierto, ya que como que has dicho que eres nuevo, te recomiendo que también pases por otras secciones de otros juegos de lags, como por ejemplo Lustful Spirit Hunt, porque ahí también el creador habla de sus futuros proyectos porque se va turnando, es decir, pasa de desarrollar HTA al juego que te dije anteriormente. En cuanto a las fechas entre parche y parche, no se sabe porque lags solamente es una persona y no puede dar una fecha exacta. Puedes ver otros comentarios de otra gente y las respuestas para informarte. 

(Lo siento por escribir tanto pero es para tenerte bien informado aprovechando que hablas española xd)

Ahhh ya entiendo, y no te disculpes por escribir tanto así bien explicado ya no haré ninguna otra pregunta, ¡muchas gracias!.

Cualquier otra duda que tengas no dudas en preguntar porque aquí hay mucha gente dispuesta a ayudar. 

Pero sobretodo eso, te recomiendo mucho jugar Lustful spirit Hunt porque, personalmente, es el mejor juego de lags.


Hey lags, i really appreciate your work, I've always wanted to be a vide game creator. Can you tell me , what are the things I need to do to become a good video game creator like you 😭🙏



The first skill set I had with me was drawing sprites then I learn basics of Unity and how to program functions in visual studio. You can always try other game engines. Some don't even need coding knowledge.

You will understand better with more experience .

Good to hear, I was focusing more in coding 💀 thanks for the advice. Wish you all the best for the future development of this game. One last question, are you a guy or a girl ? 

Don't ask about that some might think its rude

I was just curious 🧐 


Hey lags i wanted to check in see how you are doing aswell as wish you the best and i cant wait to see the upcoming update/s

Will it be available on Steam?


Is the gallery coming back any time soon?


The gallery is coming back in the next update, it takes months to make game content, the boss fight, its animations, coding, bugfixing and etc.


How to use Annie in Haileys Treasure Adventure


Play the tutorial stage in Annie's Gameplay first.

If I remember correctly, basic WASD movement controls, F/J is shooting, C is ground attack, Spacebar is turbo boost.

  1. How long does it take to update for Android? I'm really looking forward to the because I'm also an Android player, really looking forward to the update

Need time, because translating the game script to Android is complicated. Depends on workload on full time job, I personally think the android version will be released in late May.

Be patient, lags is doing his absolute best, he has a full time job and developing 3 games at once all alone by himself.


Android update.?

update for Android I can guess that sometime after level 19 is finished I am also looking forward to it!!


How to unlock Annie's gameplay in 0.7.1

Rescue girls in Hailey's gameplay. Then go to Extra Menu.


What the difference between x32 and x64

32 only supports RAM up to 4 GB while 64 more than that.


why i dont have animation at extras

It's happened to everyone. Needs to be reimplemented.

(1 edit)

only new patch?


Can you please tell me at what levels are the missing girls?

Level 8, 15, 13.

Espero jugar lo de annie en una versión android algun dia

(1 edit)

Where and which girl should I save to unlock Annie level 4? I can't seem to find it, or it has failed to trigger the unlock? I already saved 4 girls and a laptop secret.

what is the laptop secret?

Level 1 secret, you can try something with the barriers.

(1 edit)

What does the laptop secret do? I see it gives me orange clothes temporarily, but is there something I can do after that with it?

And can I get Annie to interact with them somehow?

The orange clothes lets you one shot enemies.

Annie will go there by her own supposedly.

(1 edit)

You have to stand near them for 30 seconds. Then Annie comes there.

Where is the missing girl in level 3? :(

Must unlock level 11 first. Then the barrier after the crate goes away.

how can I make Annie go in the mine in the demo or is it only for full game

you dont. you gotta lay an egg up top with her and lead it to he

oh damn didn't come to mind thx


Lags, please I beg you update your game. 



The update is not ready yet.

How long do you think it will be till the next update? And are you worried about progress or work speed?

Im just curious and can't wait for the next update

But i hope you do well in work


Not much progress is being made for past 3 days. So it's going to take a while for next update.

What's android versions is playable?


v.0.6.2 or 0.6.3


Hello lags, I'm having difficulty purchasing the game, what do I do after putting in my credit card?

Please contact itch support in that regard.

(1 edit)

Hey Lags I'm probably gonna have to wait till next update, but for Annie's Expendition I can't do the Magma's Quest , the Football Quests and Mason's Quest.

+I have no idea how you get the "Zombies and worm Trio" said for Annie's expedition. How would that even work?

P.S. I'm using

Its not zombies and worm, its trio with zombies because u can have 2 zombies and its trio with worm because u can have 2 worms, trio as in annie + 2 of the creatures 

oh ok thx

Try deleting the game folder and re download it.

Also there is no mix animation for Annie.

How do you Unlock Annie's Expedition


Rescue girls hidden in Hailey's levels. Once you rescued at least one (except the one in level 3), her game will be available in extras.

Since October 25th of last year, I've been logging in hoping for an LSH update XDD

Yeah, switching project is working out for me but not so much for fan base of these two games.

Deleted 33 days ago

Maybe, but I'll still buy HTA on the weekend, i need lag material.

Thank you


How do you find them?

Rose (zombie girl) gives you hint about them.

I've unlocked two, and I don't see the option in Extra

Como faço pra jogar com a annie

Rescue girls hidden in Hailey's levels. Once you rescued at least one (except the one in level 3), her game will be available in extras.

em quais níveis estão vou fazer aqui

Hey LAGS, is possible for the monster dude to do the animation with annie again in the tutorial level after you already completed it?

Yes. That doesn't change ever. You just have to make sure Judy is taking a bath.

And how would I do that again?

I still cant figure out how to get Judy back in the bath...

When will the new update be released for Android? Please reply

After level 19, I will try.


I've played the game through three times now. I keep coming back to it (for the bug creatures mostly lol) and I want to see more!

I'm wondering about the controls? I like the basic controls for crouching/prone, but I'd also like to keep the jump on A/Space. Is that possible to do? Or does it have to be one or the other?

I think Annie's bikini and Hailey's nude skins look kind of goofy with the hat and boots and belt? I'd like to see the skins with them off, but that's just me.

Lags will never take Haley's boots off again) 

LMAO did I miss some drama

It's simple, Lags doesn't know how to draw feet, that's why Hayley and Annie are wearing boots.


Yes, it was before. But now I have do decent feet drawings. The reason I will not do that in this game because I have to work on her naked sprites.

so no feet?!


Dev.when is the update of android version?


After level 19, I will try.

Deleted 203 days ago
Deleted 200 days ago

game doesn't work for me anymore? I redownloaded it and everything. the games text wont load so i cant skip the dialog so im just stuck on a epmy text box, im on level 6

Try putting it on some different directory or something simple as C:/Game. The game need to access files from game directory to load languages. If it doesn't have permission to access it, you face that issue.

When is the next update?

(1 edit)

I'm trying my best but not getting much time from work.

Give me a date bruh😁

If he mentions anything about 1.0, then you'll know it's about the android update so please be patient

Como faço a expedição com a annie


i see that on the images there is some girl having sex with hailley, and it seems to be in the candy biome? is she in the game and how do i get it? and also how do i get annie to go into the mines

You have to find her boss fight in level 8.

For Annie's levels you have to rescue some girls in Hailey's gameplay. Then it is available in Extras menu.

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