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LAGS, this game is awesome. I wish you had more update notices so we can see you are working on it still but, I cannot wait for you to add more to it.


I trying my best to add more levels and enemies in game but it will take more time for first few updates since I'm adding other stuffs along with it.


No worries. I just gave my opinion. I more prefer the quality of the work over weekly/monthly updates on what's going on.

i keep running into the problem of my computer saying it has a virus or unwanted software and wont open the game how do i bypass or fix?


I assure you there is nothing like that with game. Which anti virus software you are using? Can you share a screenshot?

Hello LAGS, sorry for the long overdue reply. The anti-virus I have is called Rav antivirus. I did eventually get the game to work but i did lose the ability to watch animation playbacks. Other than that, I haven't run into any other problems.

Will the next update be for Android devices? And when is the update because I am very excited and thank you for your effort on the game

You may check on this link for its future updates,

It will be available on mobile devices.


New Build works great on my Samsung A5. Only thing I noticed was the same as the last comment: Naked masturbation ends in clothed climax.

Can’t wait for the next build.

(2 edits) (+1)

So I checked the second update of the rebuild, I like it, although there is a small flaw, namely, the animation of masturbation when Hailey naked ends her "business", the end is accompanied by the fact that she still ends up with animation in clothes. Not a problem at all, but it would be nice to modify it. It works perfectly on my xiaomi. There are also questions about the innovations in the game. Are you planning to introduce new enemies, ero-illustrations with them, etc. which you planned to do in update 0.3 along the way doing a rebuild or first a rebuild and only after it all the innovations?


It is becauseI must have not replace the clip back again after adjusting the collider. That can be taken care of. I'd noticed one interesting glitch, Hailey can scale a wall if repeatedly press jump while holding direction button. Again issue with the collider and will be resolved in next update.

I have plans for adding three monsters later in the game. Two will act as enemies and one will be an ally. I do not understand what you mean by ero illustration. 


Nice progress on the game development 👍

I think ero-illustration means HCG, or erotic CGs

As puipuipui said I meant erotic CGs, btw thanks for the answer:D


so, will you add an update today?


Need few more hours before I upload.


Soo. . .
No update today?

: (


just uploaded a new build.



I tried the demo and really enjoyed it so I bought the game, however I cannot play it. Every time I enter the first level it crashes. I tried version 0.2.2 and 0.2.1, they're both doing this.


Yes that's exactly what I am experiencing and I'm waiting to see an update to fix it

Or when the nest update will be for PC/Mac

(1 edit) (+1)

When I'll catch up with 15 levels in the rebuilt Version.

On android it wouldnt let me start up the first story quest, I'm always getting kicked out of the game on both 2.1 and 2.2


The game does not work with some android devices and please check the test build and let me know if that works.

(1 edit)

I have the same problem and test build is working with my android but it's no sound (I guess it must be like that)

I tried downloading the test build but it keeps stating it's "forbidden"


Try now and let me know.

The test build works now, i guess its just my phone then, im using an Lg stylo 4+ if that help

(1 edit)

yes the test build works fine but 2.1 and 2.2 doesnt work after hitting play in the level selector. But the test build and demo work just fine

I'm using to OnePlus 7t Pro. 

Not that I think there should be a fix right now. (Except I did pay for a non working game) but it's fine as long as I know it's being looked into with plans to fix. I can wait, I just hope it does get fixed. I'd like to know that I will be able to play the full game soon.

I see your point, especially if you are in just for android version.
But PC version is working. And there was no reports of issues with MAC. And also if you want to play android version there is emulator for PC to do that.

Also you have one more point that there in nothing clearly stating this game is still in development. Stating version number below 1.0 and "future plans" aren't at all clear indication of that.

And on note of buying in there is many reports of issues of 0.2.1 build not working on many android devices in comments. Take this as educational experience because this one didn't cost you arm and leg. But taking bit of a time to research in what you buying/investing in may be worth it in a long run.

It's not about my research being bad. If a app is listed for Android and taking money, and isn't working, as part of the community I should be able to criticize is inability to be able to run. and express that I'm disappointed it's not working. It not like I'm saying anything harsh to the developer(s), I'm just trying to ask if it's going to be fixed and if he/she chooses to respond saying yes they are working on it, that's all I want to hear. I also didn't search for this looking for a .exe, I was looking for an .apk because that's the filter I used on the sight, and if this came up it should do what it's advertised to do. And after trying the demo, liking it, paying for full game. And losing out on it because it won't load is purely disappointing. With your argument, it's full game shouldn't be listed if it's not ready, only the demo should be there. And that's it. But I believe it is being worked on so I hope to see the developer(s) come with an update or state a plan for a fix. And once it is I will show my support for development with more money after my purchase exists 

I'm also having this issue, I also have the same phone. I tried the demo though, and it worked fine

I really hope it can get fixed soon. It's sad ar rare quality android experience is just not working. This game fits a perfect nich, but it leaves ALL of it to be desired. The android AO game options suck and this one has a lot of potential.

What's going on? i remember i payed for the game but now it is not in my library and it says i have to buy it again?

Hello, I'm not aware what maybe causing this issue. After purchasing the game you must have received an email from itch support. Try opening the link given in the email and make sure you are logged in with correct account.

If that doesn't help try contacting support. Let me know if the issue is resolved or not.

Was the game free before?

No. It's the same price since the day it was launched.

Ok i solved it :d i found email with this purchase in different e-mail. It seems like i bought the game without on account and i make account later to comment but didn't link the game to this account :v

Well, anyway, any news on 0.3?

Rebuilding the game for Android first since it had problems handling the game. Don't worry you will like the new version more compare to the old one. 

Do you have an alternate itch account?

Maybe you bought it, but with a different account

I bought it without account, made one later and forgot to link the game with it :v

Hello! We are looking for partners for "a co-op bundle".

We want to team up with 18+ games. How do you guys feel about that?

Hello, I'm interested in participating. Can you share more details about it?

(1 edit)  : has the ability to assemble groups of games and make a sale. It is up to you to choose how much you will put  your game on the sale. 

There will be other 18+ games in the group with you, You are getting a good offer and advertising=)

Is there will be option to have not completely nude animations? Like with torn clothes but not completely nude

That's a great idea,

But unfortunately this game is facing feature creep issue now.

There will not be any additional sex animations except the default naked one.

PC V0.2.1 After laying bee egg, egg didn't spawn an enemy

Hello. I played the 0.2 version of this game and noticed one bug/glitch/exploit. When you throw a teleporter, it restores a little bit of health and slightly fills the Collected treasures bar. If you throw a teleporter while crouching or prone, you regain health even faster because you don't have to pick it up.

That is debug feature. And both place teleport and debug get health + money is bound to T button.

Also, what is the Red potion for? And what is affected by Strengthned body upgrade?

In order:

  • Pickaxe power - How much damage you do to enemies and how much you get from ore per swing and how fast you break them
  • Max health - How much HP Hailey has
  • Strengthned body - How much damage Hailey clothes can withstand before tearing off
  • Bomb capacity - how many bombs you can take on single adventure
  • Health boosters - how much food (HP replenishments) and spare clothing you can take on single adventure

  • Bombs - how many bombs you have for next adventure
  • Food/Spare clothes - how much Food/Spare you have for next adventure
  • Resurection potion - if Hailey HP reaches 0 in adventure and you have one of these you can revive Hailey with full HP and restored clothes

LAGS suggestion - make short description to items in shop.
Also while testing I found new bug - when Hailey falls into spike pit and then you go prone, she gets knocked out but with no option to "revive". Basically you get stuck. Tested on 0.2.1 both PC and android.

Thank you. Will keep that in mind with the new revival script and add some description below an item.

(1 edit)

There's bug on my game sometime my screen are shaking and i can't do anything.

Does that issue occurs with android  version? If yes, check the test version. If not, please try re downloading the game.

(1 edit)

I tried check the test version there is no problems. maybe it got problem between downloading.

OK so you are playing it on Android. Please wait for newer build with updates. 

Is there any guide to finding all secret rooms? Also, if you jump and continue to hold space after jump Hailey starts to run faster. Is this just a joyful bug, or intended feature?

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

First, for anyone reading this comment. It contains spoilers about some hidden rooms.


1)Level 5 - On the first rope, go left where a worm is crawling around. Break the three ores and go prone to get to the hidden spot.

2)Level 10 - After crossing the mechanical gate, jump to find the hidden space.

3)Level 16(shortcut) - Reach the top right side of the map where you will find a goblin and a spider. After killing them, break the ore and jump on the wall to use the shortcut that will skip the mechanical gate and the boulder part.

4)Level 19- This level has two hidden rooms. One is pointed by the statue and the other one can be found on the left side of 'Red Lever' which leads to goblin's party.

5)Level 20- Pointed with an arrow. Need to go prone to get past the walls.

<===========SPOILERS END=========>

In the new builds, I will add some kind of hint to so that player can find them easily if they are attentive. 

That was another bug player could have exploit to speed run a level. It was never reported before, so I checked if it exists for the test android built and it doesn't happen. 


Is there any chance to become a volunteer translator to UKR/RUS?


That will be cool thing. But would have to wait as the final product may have additional or changed dialogues/texts.


I could do Swedish lol. I have all the time i can have right now.

There's a graphical bug on Android 2.1 and 2.2 versions. This bug causes black portions of the screen and random crashing. Samsung Galaxy Note 9, up to date. The 2.1 demo and test build doesn't have these problems.

(1 edit)

Can you please provide screenshots of the graphical bug you encountered? As a reference for everyone?

The demo is working fine on my device, I'm not using Samsung.


That's one of the reasons I am rebuilding the game with new scripts. See how upcoming builds work for you.


There's a bug in mine 3. I currently can't  get through the tunnel under the dart trap. Not enough space to crawl through.

You need to go prone to get through.


I did though.

(1 edit)

Can you please provide screenshots of the graphical bug you encountered?

Hope you have found the solution. If not you can go prone by pressing Z(default).

Plz tell us if ur done with rebuilding, Looking foward to other updates after the specified future updates


I don't want to disappoint you but this stuff takes time, a lot of time to do. And he just released now tech demo. Like from what LAGS said before there is hope next release of some reworked part of the game will be done before previously stated 11/12 (see Rebuilding log). But whole rebuild? For now I won't even try to predict any date, just patiently wait.

I have purchased the game, the demo plays very well.


There are several devices which are unable to play full version but can play demo. I'm rebuilding the game and will be unloading first three levels with updated graphics very soon.

I have a problem,im playing on android,when i push the start button the game closes it self.

Deleted 297 days ago

Not implemented yet but will be in next update for android.


Just checked rebuild version, looks nice but is it normal there's not any sound?


Yes, no audio work done yet.

I have found a voice actress that doesn't mind doing R18 monster sex voicelines, HaruLunaVA

One of her many works,



Her contacts and pricings,


Thank you! I will contact her soon.

I'm curious about how responsive newgrounds VAs are. I have contacted about 5 VAs and so far HaruLuna is the only one replying and doing so everytime less than a day.

Has any of your VAs you're trying to contact, replied to you?

I have only contacted one who is not comfortable with the content of this game.

I think HaraLuna is active because she maybe very popular for NSFW voice acting (I recalled I have seen that name before). I am yet to contact her but will do once some work is done.


Why do I only see 14 animations, the first animation I couldn't get.  I'm playing on Android


There 14 visible icons out of which 12 are for animations. The second one is not implemented.


How do we involve annie in animations? ive tried having eggs spawn near her but cant get her involved. Also how am I meat to get 3-4-5p goblin events? Ive only ever found 2 on the same floor

(1 edit) (+1)

That is not in game jet.
With goblins the is secret spot in level 19.

(2 edits) (+1)

dang, any chance you can tell me where at on lvl 19? ive been searing for like 20-30 minutes and cant find any goblins on this level. ive found the secret room above the statue pointing up but thats all i can find

As i sent this reply I found it! good hiding spot :) Thanks for the game and quick reply. keep up the great work cant wait for more


Is there an easy way to know if I've collected all the animations/pictures for the current update? Also in the notes above what does the "2p" , "3p" and such mean? Loving the game as well.


Here's list of animations that should be unlocked:-

Worms,Spiders,Zombies, Honey Makers(2 animations for each)

Goblins 4 animations.

Scorpion, Skeleton, Blue Skeleton, Vines, Head Hunter, Golem, Mantis (One animation for each)

Number of images unlocked should be 11.

2P/3P means number of participants in an animation including Hailey.


will the save data file format change in later versions, i mean do u plan on changing?


Ahhh ok, thank you very much.

(3 edits) (+1)

Any vague idea on when v2.2 will be out for pc and mac?


Rebuilding all levels and scripts so it will take some time.

Thank you so much for all these updates. But now it really doesn't look healthy that the price is only 2$ considering the time you spend on it. I hope some people pay more than just the required price. Also consider selling on DLsite when the game is complete.

(1 edit) (+1)

There are some people who purchase game at higher cost and I have enough savings to get through the development of next project, so 2$ is fine for now.

Yes, I have already planned to launch it on DLsite as well. The update process on DLsite takes longer and requires censored graphics, therefore it will be uploaded there once the game is complete.


Will u continu3 making more games after these ones are complet3?or have u considered doing so?


There will be more games in future. Not promising anything revolutionary but they will be fun to play.

How exciting, Cant wait till games are complete. Take all time u need, Perfect these babies.

(1 edit) (+5)

Pictures of a cute rat on a dandelion have arrived!

Hope these pics will cheer up anyone who read this!

Please have a happy day! 👍


Hello my friend, how is updating going? can't wait for next update :D


plz add DP animations 4 the golem(cow girl)

4 the next update IF u could


Can't do that because of size of the golem. Will add some couple of extra animations once the game is complete.

I'm struggling to be able to download the latest version. The two latest versions listed don't have the game itself in the files when I extract it, are these the intended game files suited for windows? 

(1 edit)

There is a version for windows. Look for "" file in the download options, if you want to play on windows.

Thank you that's the right one! 

Also on Pyramid II there are invisible Scorpions, unsure if that's a glitch or intentional, just letting you know!  


So first off I'm absolutely loving the visuals of the game from character designs to animations as well as the themes for the sex scenes.  The gameplay loop is quite entertaining and it's actually really nice to see an ero game where the "sex on loss" scenes don't actually lose you the level, you can reasonably collect them without losing levels at all.   That needs to be a thing in more adult games.

I have encountered a number of bugs though.  I think most of them have been reported but on two occasions I've been unable to complete a level due to a jump being actually impossible to make.   It happened once on level 3 and more significantly on 10 (Ruins II).  In 10 it's the jump to the dynamite with the wall covered in spikes and arrow shooting below.  More than a dozen times I've climbed until I can't climb up any further then jumped holding direction button all the way, can't make the jump hit the spikes.

If it's anything like what happened on level 3 I think it's related to being hit while crawling through a narrow gap.  I get knocked below the floor and while I get up just fine afterwards I think it throws off the map somehow.

Other bugs have been reported and generally haven't been game breaking (except the one text bug with Annie, forces restart but since it's beginning of level it's not a big deal).

But damn the animations in this game are amazing.  I don't think I've ever been into an egg laying animation before this game.  On that topic I wish the 3P+ egg planting animations would result in Hailey laying hatching eggs from both holes.  Would just be a nice touch, even if they don't both hatch into new enemies.  Either way I love the attention to anal you've given with a lot of the animations.


Thanks for the praise. I know how frustrating it can be sometimes when you have to repeat a level because you have triggered a sex scene.

All scripts and levels are going to be re designed.  So you may not find these bugs or find new ones.

These insects are not like normal insect they need human eggs to breed. That's the reason Hailey lays eggs only from her vagina and not her mouth or butt.


Hmm interesting. I do hope Annie will explain this strange phenomenon in story. While thoroughly researching it :P

While it was mentioned, some crawling spaces can be accessed while crouching. It is done by walking into wall and then crouching while still moving. That has effect that you can get stuck between segments of map. It is happening all assets maps, just not everywhere.

Also just a question that comes with previous thing. Will you add scenes which will take in consideration any small enemy can have sex with Hailey in crawl space? Now if Hailey dong get knocked into a ground right a way, it causes clipping of the scene with map geometry.

Thanks again, good wind


Yes, she will need to do a lot of research. If only Hailey accepts to be guinea pig for the tests.

The clipping occur as those animation uses same collider size as standing animations so they clip through the floor below. Fortunately this won't be the case in the new build.

As for the jumping it is working as it was suppose to when you hit the ceiling and the whole level 10 will be reconstructed.

Let me know if you find any other bug that I will need to put attention to.

(1 edit)

Only if there was a way to repay her in kind :P

since what you described with bugs interested me, since I haven't encountered problem with not being able to jump from rope on any platform. So I tested.
Unfortunately I'm not sure which jump is a problem sorry in level 3.
But in level 10 jump you describing has a problem but only if you climb to very top of the rope. It is do to how jumping works in this game. When you jump in direction you both moving in said direction and up for some time then gravity takes precedence. But if there is not enough space above you then you hit your head end immediately start to move down (possibly faster speed). That is why climbing complacently up is wrong approach. If your game is behaving normally you should be able to jump on that platform when you climb below trajectory of that arrow trap.

I hope this will help.


Mano é seu novo projeto?


This one was suppose to be my second project. I canceled it because I couldn't program it back then.


Mas no futuro vai ter jogos para Android ??

(1 edit) (+1)

This game will have. But I am uncertain about other future projects looking at the incompatibility of HTA android.



Greetings ITCH and LAGS Teams.

Just wanted to thank you for your great job with the Game. It Really is something to have fun with, and also the great potential it still has. I read all the info that you shared with us about the incomings and one of the best thing is the ¨V¨ action. (Y). Can´t wait for the update.

My best wishes for all of you and your continuing work.



About the APK V0.2.2..

i couldn´t run it in my Smarthphone.. it actually chrashes when starting a Mission, But i´ll try the 0.2.1 version anyway. (already in PC too).Is there a special requiremnt to run it. Mine is a SAM A71. 

That's strange, it should run in that device as it is superior compare to my device. Yeah you can try the 0.2.1 version. If that doesn't work please wait until I launch a new build.

Both actually crashed. XD

but i don't really know why. The v0.2.2 runs more smothly and perfectly scales in the screen.. and the v0.2.1 gets wide screen. (i see a chubby annie and haileys x3). So i preferred 2.2.. but endend up in the pc. And we will have to wait for the new build then ^w^


Hi  I just finished the game all 21 levels and im missing in the EXTRAS MENU

-the second animation between Haley (which is not really a animation) and the worm

-and the last erotic graphic pic

What are they and how do I get them? Did I miss something?

Love the game btw it is amazing :)


They are not part of that version yet. Added those blank images so that they wont mess up UI element.

Ohh OK thank you and keep up the good work :)


Played on the android version. So far the mechanics on the game is almost perfect. Well sometimes I have trouble jumping to the rope and holding the up or down button to hang on it(Unless it just me) . The game itself keep crashing/freezing, screen gliching when I accidentally jump onto a bat(That goes up and down) in level 2. Terrain not loading in properly. These are the bugs I experienced so far. Still a great game.

Working on rebuild for android first. You should see a test version soon. Even I had some problems with ropes in my runs so decided to add automatic rope grabbing feature for android version (easy difficulty on PC).

Thank you, It'll be easier to grab ropes now. And I will post about bugs once the test version is here if I encounter them again or new ones.

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