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WhEn AnDrOiD uPdAtE??!!1!?

What the hell is wrong with you people? Is it this hard to scroll down for one damn secound? Stop spamming this question


Where is android update though?

haha just kidding. I know Lags is probably going insane from this too.


Strongly true 🗿


Why is there no Update v. for android?


There is too much time the old update. When the new update date?


can someone tell me EXACTLY where to find the missing girls please? im slowly going insane trying by mysel


You must be on update 0.7 or above(it's not available for Android yet).

On level 8 find clothes in some area. You will notice the left wall is looking little unusual. Jump there from rope to find the secret path and first missing girl.

Second missing girl is in level 15 where you will find artifact earlier. You have crawl on the other side and interact with small cave to get on the other side.

Third missing is in level 13. I think she's the behind four consecutive ruby ore.

Thanks :D

found all the girls but I cant find anything about Annie in the extras


It's only for PC with version above 0.7. If you already have it then you have kill those goblins to rescue them.

I want to buy this game but I don't have paypal and itch doesn't support IDEAL. Is there some other way I can buy this game?


International debit/credit card will do as well. There is no other way than the ones itch provided.


Got bug that make almost all 3-P gallery not correctly unlock (the black note is in the way)


It's not a bug, the gallery is removed until the next update, I believe it will be in 0.7.2


O, ok, thx


They are place holder until real image is done.


Where is the girl from level 15? not see any difference in these updates. Do i have to delete all the all save files?

Delete your game files completely. Download the game and extract the again and try. Also make sure you are not downloading v0.6.3 because it's still available in the download section.

That's what I see and I have all levels unlocked like to level 16 and the extra pictures well the new ones don't unlock. Is there any other place for all the save files?

(1 edit) (-1)

It's a bit of a silly question, but will this version 0.7.2 be free for the platforms?

(1 edit) (+1)

The game is going to remain paid forever. But in case you are having confusion like most people. You have don't have buy the game on every update. If you bought game once go to 'My Library' option and download the game from there.


After 0.7.2 pls make an update on Android


When will 0.7.2 be released?


Unfortunately it's going to take time because have a lot of work load to clear. So I might be spending more time at work than game developing.


Ah alright i will happily be waiting for it 


LAGS can you update Annie on Android people are getting confused about Annie gameplay. They haven't noticed about Annie gameplay in Android


dude read the comments, lags already said a lot of times that android ver is coming in v1.0


I'm blind


Whats your workspace like, what do you use to make the art?


If it's line art or characters I use Krita and for objects and background it's Aesprite.


Do you compress the characters and the animations? Because they seem like there are resized with 100% quality to make your iconic art, and the background is all pixelart


А когда будет обнова на  Android?

Deleted 33 days ago
how to open other levels? Annie

You have to play on PC

tem alguma previsão pra próxima atualização no Android?

vai vir pro android só na atualização 1.0

(3 edits) (+1)

Ya terminé los 16 niveles y encontré a las desaparecidas pero aún no sale el mini juego de annie saben cuantos son y en que N. V se encuentran solo tengo estas pero creo que solo vi como dos carteles de se busca 

PD Si ya se actualiza me dicen cual es la última versión ando medio perdido de cual verción tengo y cual es la nueva y para acabar no entiendo mucho de las versiones 


That's older version. It don't have Annie's gameplay. Even if you purchase the game right now the Android version is also stuck on 0.6.3.

Entonces se tiene que esperar a una actualización futura ( 0.6.4 o más)? Ya que en la 0.6.3 no se puede el modo de annie es correcto 

How many battery packs do i have to give to the secret guy? I only get like 50 coins from killing the quadpuss and everything else doesnt give me an coins so I cant really buy that many.

20. You have to make money playing Hailey's levels.

What secret guy?

were are the girls you need to rescue located?

Level 8, 15, 13 and 3. Last one is not necessary yet but you have unlock level 11  to be able to see her.

Thank this helped


what happened to the gallery


Removed until update 0.7.2


Hey LAGS, thank you for your explanation video on YouTube!

Once I accomplished Magma's mission, can I never watch IQ's scene?

It will visible in gallery in upcoming udpate 0.7.2.

Thank you very much. I can't wait update!

Comment fait on pour traduire le jeux ?

You will have to edit third column in csv files available in StreamingAssets folder. But you will need to use a specific software called LibreOffice.

Is the goal post in lvl 1 of Annie's gameplay hidden somewhere?


Yes, not hidden exactly. Just out sight but enough see some of it's part. Try using zoom out function on the surface.

(1 edit)

The game ends after level 16, I can't enter Annie's section. what should I do?

(1 edit) (+1)

go to extras and more then u saw the annie expedition


You have rescue abducted girls in Hailey's gameplay. If one is rescued go to Extras---> Annie's Expedition to play her game.


i dont use that jetpack, but why i cant pass the electric barrier? please help me

It must be an older version.

how do you get to the electric barrier?

Can anyone tell me how to do this quest with Heather and Mason because I can't find them or the net anywhere


The football quest begins at 4:00. Also make sure you have the latest version.
(1 edit)

I think because I have completed magma's quest on moonrays sinkhole I can't get the football quest to spawn on that map.

I have scored a goal on perilous rift and spoke Heather.

I then got all of mushroom's then went to moonrays sinkhole but the robots are where the ball is meant to spawn. Both the ball and Heather are not anywhere in moonrays sinkhole.|

Am I doing something wrong?

how to unlock annie's expedition?


Rescue abducted girls in Hailey's game then it will be accessible through extras.

Deleted 1 year ago

When is android version getting Updated???

After v 1.0.

does anyone know how to unlock all of Anne's levels I am stuck on three

There are only 3 levels playable excluding the tutorial level.

Thank you I have Fuckhere Sex Dungeon, Westhill Sinkhole and Moonray Fuckhole what is the last one, and how do I get it?

(1 edit)

What happened to the animations gallery?


Removed but will be back in 0.7.2.

Thank you very much

Out of curiosity, is there any plans for an Annie game besides her mini levels? I see that there is possibly 2-3 more levels for her that are going to be made but do you have any interest in making a game centered around Annie only as the main character? Personally I like the gameplay for her over Hailey. Both are fun I just prefer Annie's mechanics.


There will not be any games revolving around Annie any more. She will be just an NPC in two other games.

I just bamought the game again wondering if?android will get the new update or does the premium version already have it ?

You don't have to buy games on every update even if it show buying option again. Android is different platform and need a lot of work so it will not be there until 1.0.

Im having two problems:

1. On moonrays sinkhole I'm not getting a net to spawn for me to get the goal, ive restarted the maps many times

2. On the same level, the secret guy behind the electric gate. I literally have been trying to find out how to get to him for the past two days so I'm wondering if I can get a hint or clue where to look

1.Right side.

2.Try using bat.

Is there a chance that Annie will get her own VA?


where is the gate at moonrayfuckhole

right side.

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