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So the Android version comes out next month? And how many new levels in total?

Android version will come after 21 levels for Hailey and 5 level for Annie is done.


So by the end of November?

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im guessing the update comes out on hallloween?

0.2.1 and 02.2 Why don't versions work on Android as well

They were not working in all Android device therefore game was remade without light system.

Hello, I would like to ask:

There are new levels in the next update, if so, how many?


2 new level for Annie and a demo one.

Thanks, but can I find out:

Will there be new skins, items, translations into other languages, for example Spanish, in the future update?


There will be a new skins,levels and animation but I'm not sure about tranlation. Unlike my other  game I can afford translation cost for this game so I can give it try.

What changes when we change the game to hard mode?

Enemies have more health and you take more damage.

Why is the game still at Halloween?

Because it was the last update released


Will you be able to finish the update this month or next month. Just curious


Next month. Just finished shop system for Annie. Need to create few more interaction then. I can finally work on levels and enemies.

I got hit by a skeleton and grabbed by a head hunter while on a rope lol


Thank you, I will take care of it in upcoming update.


Hey, insanely waiting the new update so 1 year passed since the last update already:) The main question is will there be the new erotic images with Annie and how many enemies will be in her gameplay? 


There will be new images for Annie only for new enemy types. All existing one will have those same images.

I may scrap some enemies later but here's the list I plan to add for her. Skeleton and scorpion are scrapped for her gameplay

From Hailey's Adventure:-

  • Bat
  • Worm
  • Spider
  • Zombie
  • Honey-Makers

New ones:-

  • Earwig
  • Goblins (little bigger)
  • Mole
  • Stonemen

Wow that's nice! Thx for the answer:D


Коли обнова


на этой неделе +- 3 дня


Hey lags how is the annie gameplay gonna work?


I've been thinking ...,

...,does hailey's boobs are natural or Prosthesis? 

,because they dont shake as well as natural ones😮‍💨(i hate fake boobs)


you bet they are, one of the dialouges with Annie proves it by her saying that she's jealous of her big boobs

(2 edits)

Hello lags No. I am clear about how long it will take if an update comes out this month, how long will one for mobile take?

Sadly Android version will be after the game is done with Annie's side gameplay included.

When do you plan on finishing the game

Deleted 353 days ago

What do you mean? There are no enemies that have animations with assassin And they will be removed in upcoming update.

Cuáles son las medidas de Hailey, simple curiosidad

I don't know but considering she is 5'6, it should be roughly around 37,28,42.

How long will the mobile update take? and I would like to know if it is compatible with Mac because I have macOs ventura and the game does not work for me :'(

It's getting harder to run third party apps on Mac recently. If you are getting an error that 'You don't have permission to open the application" then gatekeeper is preventing it but there is a workaround for it.


Adding to my previous comment, i would also like to make a suggestion! Specifically, while on the animations menu, it would be great if you could zoom in/out of animations to see them in more detail! I think it would heavily improve the gameplay on "those" moments where you just wanna have some "fun", y'know?

Hello! I'm planning on buying this game because i really like it, not only for the "content", if you know what i mean, but also for the gameplay which i found really interesting! However, i'm afraid that, if it updates after i purchase it, i won't have access to the new version... So, if i purchase the game, will i have to pay again for the new version or will i be able to get it for free? Thanks in advance!

Deleted 325 days ago

cómo a qué mes sale la nueva actualización, perdona no sé nada de inglés 

A prototype for Annie's gameplay will come in this month.

no se sabe, ya que Lags estaba trabajando en eso, pero por los recientes problemas que hubo con unity (el motor del juego)  tengo entendido que los desarrolladores pararon las actualizaciones, pero segun he leido tambien en el chat, al parecer llegara por diciembre, no se sabe fecha exacta


This game really is phenomenal. Simple and enjoyable. I picked up your other games as well but this seems to be the standout. Look forward to either more content or the next great idea!

Thank you!


Very great game! ^^ My only personal nit pick is that it's a shame protagonist isn't barefoot when you pick 'naked' mode :(


Drawing feet or palm is a nightmare for an average artist like myself. If I was skilled drawing feet back then would have done it.

feelsbadman but ty for the reply


LAGS do you have an estimated time for the new update. If you dont will it be released this year



Deleted post

Wow, thank you! Visual-novels come on little easy side when it comes to programming, I don't really enjoy them. When I get bored I usually play old NES games. I thought of making this game while playing spelunker and the gameplay was going to be linear like that game. Player just progress through entire game like that. But due to lack of my knowledge it was made simple level wise design inspired by a mobile game about mining (Gold something...).

Fortunately for now, they have walkbacked on their decision and the version I'm using is not subjected to this new fee for now. For spaghetti coder like me it's difficult to change game engine and I had many projects planned with things like how I'm going to attain some features.

I hope you will enjoy Annie's gameplay demo probably coming this month.

If I had to guess, the update will probably be out on October the 20th or October the 24th. But that's my guess.

How do i open the gate and the wall door at level 14? Help i'm stuck!!

The key is hidden in level 15


thank you very kind person


New Update?


When will there be update 0.7?


Should be this month. Just be patient.


update when?


relax bro just wait

Deleted 362 days ago

"It's only when they sting mammals, with their thick skin, that the barbs become wedged. In trying to get free, the bee rips away part of its abdomen and internal organs. It's this that causes it to die a few minutes late" maybe its on purpose


Yes, that's the reason.


Its not glitch

I think it's on purpose, I don't think it's a "bug"

Hello Indian sorry for this but what age are you? Because normal people know that bees dies always after stung at thick skin!! I thought every one know it

When the update arrives for Android, will it be necessary to uninstall the current version of the game??? I recently completed the game

Relax it be around end of this month and no need to delete the the game to get new one.  Once new version goes live download and install and done


Will the game be updated for pc first then Android or both at the same time?


It will be for PC first. The thing is, a lot of codes will be changed from previous version so once it's done for PC, will begin porting it to Android.


Hey, glad to see this game getting some love! Cheers, easily a favorite <3


I think nerf the naked skin because I heal more health than I lose ( sorry I'm not good at taking in English)

How man! I lose health always 2,3 atleast, if you playing at down so that can be understandable. Because Hailey will lose health by every monster except spider, scorpion, and worm atleast i think


When we get the next update of haileys adventure, its tooks too long wait already, please bro


In this month, there will be a stage for Annie's gameplay.

LAGS es verdad que ya salio actualizacio

No. It's yet to be released.

Helloo, is there a way to have this on 64bit for android ? I'm a poor pixel 7 user and i can't use any 32 bit apk ( thx google)

I think 64 bit is more advance compare to 32 bit. I will see if I could get that option in upcoming update.

Hello! lags can you please suggest me some Android games just like Hailey treasure advanture

I don't know. I haven't seen much erotic Android games to suggest you.

Try out syahata's bad day, great game

(1 edit)

Man are you Indian? That was too shame to ask someone questions like that!! Don't understand you shouldn't ask anyone about another one  when they are in same field?


What does Annie's game mean? Will it be a new game?

No, it just updates Annie's gameplay

is it available in the game?

Not yet.

Qual plataforma você usa pra fazer esse jogos??unity?quanto tempo você aprendeu fez curso??tô querendo aprender fazer jogos também!.


I use Unity game engine with Visual Studio 2019 for coding. For creating sprites I use Krita but you can use any other software you are comfortable with.

I have learnt mostly from different YouTube tutorial, reading Unity documents or from Unity Answers forum.

If you are going to use Unity I could give you few tips to avoid the mistakes I have made during my beginner's days. You will get understand these tips when you are little familiar with Unity and VS2019.

1. Always test your UI with different resolutions in the editor. This mistake I did with my first game where UI was too big for anyone playing with lower resolution.

2. Using State Machine. It's quite helpful to learn state machine. I didn't learn it focus on it until my fourth game but it was quite helpful in it.

3.Understanding when to use Update() and FixedUpdated() methods. Update methods happens every frame while FixedUpdate happens at specific interval. You will mostly write your codes in Update() method but in some cases where you need to some value gradually increase over time, you will need to write them in FixedUpdate. If you write such value in Update then it will increase or decrease faster in computer with higher framerates.

Caramba,vlw companheiro pela dica showw!. Vou tentar fazer aqui!."

I'm a programmer and I have a passion for gaming. That passion also makes me think about studying game coding too. When I get a job, finish my courses and etc, I'll look into Unity and the programming languages necessary. I like the idea of making 2d games better, given the fact that sometimes 3d can be really goofy if there's not that much detail to it. 

Keep up the good work 


I think you will make much better games since you already have programming knowledge.

If I do, I can say you are my inspiration. Btw, is it easy to make these games? Like, is the code complexity and syntax complicated or is it self explanatory? Like, something easy to understand with linear logic (not those messed up logics that only Sherlocks can understand)

It's difficult at times but not Sherlocks level. You will learn as you make games. For example, I tried making Poker game an year ago and saw a really complicated tutorial about it. Unfortunately it was not written in C# so it was cancelled. Later for LSH, I was determined to implement it so I tried to understand the mechanics behind it, code with my past experience and made a simple poker game.

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