In level 15, find secret goblin sex dungeon. Collect a golden key and load level 14. On you right you should see a locked gate open it up with the golden key and bring the zombie at the bottom to shop girl.
For the last one find her missing poster in level 16.
You can get the exact location by watch the video I have linked below in one of my comments.
How to fix the lag issue? The game is great but the only problem i got is when i play like 5 mins the lag start to begin and i cant even control anything.
In level 14, lure the zombie behind golden gate to surface. You will find key to that gate in a secret area of level 15. Check the image in the comment below. This is where that secret area is located.
Right now only 3 secret animations. Annie has animation with every enemy that can get Hailey pregnant. Shop keep has one animation with special zombie behind the golden gate.
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hello someone knows how to find a golem? pls help me
If you are playing the old v.0.2.1 you will find them after level 19. For new build they will be replace with some other enemy.
Do you mean where it says 27.65m? That's not a timer, it just shows how deep underground the cave is. That is 27.65 meters underground.
Oh... I thought it was game completion time thanks
How to unlock this animation
In level 15, find secret goblin sex dungeon. Collect a golden key and load level 14. On you right you should see a locked gate open it up with the golden key and bring the zombie at the bottom to shop girl.
For the last one find her missing poster in level 16.
You can get the exact location by watch the video I have linked below in one of my comments.
Yo bro lags! I need help man how to unlocked this red long haired
girl? Pls be notice🥺❤️
Yo bro lags! I need help man how to unlocked this red long haired
girl? Pls be notice🥺❤️
which one is the golem for golem achievement? snowman's not working for it.
Golem will be removed and so it's achievement.
How to get the final animation
That one is just two scorpions i think
how to play lv16 my version is only 13 is the limit
What version you are playing on? Does it display v.0.6.2 or later?
Where's the hidden poster in level 16. Where i can find all the creatures picture?
Dev can you make the 3 missing girl cum, in animation
They have single framed tired animation. So it's little pointless to add that option but I'm thinking of doing it on the top left corner.
How to fix the lag issue? The game is great but the only problem i got is when i play like 5 mins the lag start to begin and i cant even control anything.
Which device you are using?
Mobile the lag issue is gone now thanks for the reply you are the best
Tomb explorer and cherry red outfit.
How did you get that on the middle?
How to unlock the door at lv14???
lay down and crawl through it
Could you take a print of which part of the map I could do this? I tried everywhere and I couldn't...
What level is that? i dont have a level like that
Help me,where is the Animation ???
in level 15 kill one of the 4 goblin then begin sex scene.
What is the last animation in the demo version?
I have tried everything and I can't figure it out.
Annie and Spider.
4 goblin :)) how ?
In level 15. Find secret area.
how to get merchant girl animation??, pls
In level 14, lure the zombie behind golden gate to surface. You will find key to that gate in a secret area of level 15. Check the image in the comment below. This is where that secret area is located.
(Bagaimana cara mendapatkan scene di dalam kotak, tolong aku)
Find secret poster
cara dpt yg diatas zombi coklat gmn bg?
Find secret boss fight in level 8. Indicated by cane-shaped candy.
I cant play demo bro. I need to try it before buy. Can u tell me whats the problem? I use android btw
Try this file 'HTA-Android.Demo(NoURP).apk'. Other one has lighting setup that may not work in all android devices.
how to have annie animation?
Make Hailey lay an egg near her.
worm egg? if is it then how to keep it?
You will need to get Hailey fucked by a worm.
What is ass as in mob?
Enemy type in level 14. Will be replaced with something else in next udpate.
which level has the evil mountain?
How did you get there
Look for a statue pointing to the roof then jump
A level in upcoming update.
como faço pra passar do nivel tres pq quando chega no final ela nao consegue alcançar o bau pq e muito alto pra ela pular alguem me ajuda
Try jumping over from spikess ground.
sim eu percebi que quando vc corre e pula ela pula mais alto
Sugar boss in level 8 (boss area indicated with cane-shaped candy)
Special zombie in level 14 (behind golden gate. need to find key in level 15)
Goblin 4P and 5P animation in level 15.
Image also belongs to sugar boss.
the gold zombie should also be able to have sex with annie, as she's also there.
where to find the key, and how to win two bugs in the same "action"?
also walk zombie to vender for scene with her.
how to open the right gate level 14 how?
Must find a key in level 15 first. Check my secrets video on youtube.
how to unlock annie animations and pics? help me
You will need to make Hailey lay egg near her.
Una pregunta cuantas animaciones hay ocultas y se podra tener sexo con la hermana y vendedora
Right now only 3 secret animations. Annie has animation with every enemy that can get Hailey pregnant. Shop keep has one animation with special zombie behind the golden gate.
pregunta algun dia pondras los juegos gratis lo digo solo asi de casualidad digo yo
I need help with this picture pls
How to unlock annie picture pls
have sex with an insect then run to annie before laying eggs
annie with bee
Eagerly awaiting your next update!
I know, but working on a new project until it's v.0.1 is ready. So the update will be delayed.
Regardless, I'll be waiting for it!
Can i ask where can i get this?
Find poster in level 16.
ty i found it btw nice game i really love this game i hope the next update come soon 😁......(sorry if my grammar is bad im not good at English)
how did you get the one above the brown miner?
How can you get the merchant and the lost girl animation?
In level 14, bring the zombie behind the golden gate to her. It's key can be found in level 15.
For missing girls, you will need to find their poster in level 8, 11,16.
hey, how do you get the girl in shop?,
In level 14, bring the zombie behind the golden gate to her. It's key can be found in level 15.
how do i find all the hidden rooms across all the maps is there a sighn or clue
Most of them have a little hint like gust of wind or cane indicator (in level 8). Some times trap or enemies pass through hollow walls.
This is how to fight the boss
I have a question. Is there any way to obtain the witch scene after you defeat her?
You can only play the scene in animation gallery at the moment.
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