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How's the development of the game coming along? 

5.3 just released and he said that one week is the estimate for the rest of the 5.3 content


Almost done with level 13. Will get the enemies working and couple of new images.


thanks Lags


When the double animations for two wasps or a wasp and spider finishes, it forces hailey to walk forward until she hits a wall.

Also the first red skeleton (at the top of the rope) in the red pyramid stage is in a terrible spot. The only way I could kill it was to jump off the rope, hit it, and climb back up to do it again. Does anyone have a better way of doing it?


The Walking is a bug? That explains I just thought my screen was starting to go.  And I've found that you can crawl up the rope quickly and keep swinging off the rope until the skeleton dies, although yeah it's a bitch to deal with


Do you see Hailey move or it just the camera that shifts?

You can try destroying the first projectile and then jump on the platform or time your attack perfectly to destroy it's projectile and hit it when it's close to the edge.

(1 edit) (+1)

I've found that the only way to kill the red Skelton is to destroy the first projectile and hope it walks close enough for you to hit it before it sends another

As for the walking, I've only had it happen twice. When the animation finishes she gets up and immediately starts walking to the right as if you had the button pressed and doesn't stop until you press it the button to walk right yourself 


I didn't know we could destroy projectiles. That changes everything

Hailey moves and the camera follows her

I found out you can break his attack by attacking from the rope with the pickaxe, hope it helps :D


Hey there did I do something wrong if there are pictures missing that where said to appear and some animations are not there?

There are currently 14 images available. Animation gallery is not updated yet.

Deleted post

Hey dude chill, if you want so badly to play on PC use an emulator.

The game is good and have good art and it seems there is a lot of effort into it.

(1 edit) (+8)

Lags has been great and doesn't need your support. I have gotten way more value than expected for such a small price. He's one person working on this. Think your can do great? Do your own and do better. Prove it


Dude how much have you paid for this game? 2€ ? Imagine if your boss paid you 2€ and then complain that you do not work hard enough.


Dude it's 2 dollars, Ofc he isn't going to make it his top priority he has a life.

One dev is working on this game, for a month of progress including being sick this is some decent progress 


I do understand that the initial release date for this update is push too many time but there are reasons behind it such as things not working as planned, scrapping some of created sprites, etc. 

This goal you see on all pages is a sale I'm conducting and not a crowd funding campaign. Who the hell keep game sale in crown funding? And you do understand this is not a main stream game and there are not enough audience for this kind of games. On top of that these games are cheap, so how much wealthy do you think I have become?

How in the world do you think it's a biggest scam? I mean there are developers who have raised 100K in crowd funding (not sale) but provided an inferior product or abandoned the project. You may not have known but the obsolete version of this game didn't support most android devices so I have remade the whole with better graphics and content which was not going to be there in the first place. Do you think any scammer is fool enough to spend time redoing the whole thing because someone's device is not able to run it.

All of my current game are under 2$ and you will see most players telling me that you are selling short with the amount of content I'm providing but it's price is still the same.

Things don't always go the way you planned. If you try developing a game someday you will understand.


that's a really mature way to reply to a toxic comment. thanks for the game lags i really love everything about this game from gameplay to art and i think that game developers should take a good amount of time making their games remember people a well game takes a lot of time to make it's better than a rushed game. Thanks again lags for your awesome content keep up the good work!


What SD_Tali said, we'd rather you take much longer to make a higher quality product than rush out an update every month with barely functional, if functional at all, content.

You don't owe that person a reply


The only thing i would recommend is maybe don't give highly specific dates and make it more like "late June/early July"

Keeps  it a bit more open with more breathing room and you can delay for a few days without anyone really noticing.

For a game that only requires $2 to support with excess to everything i have absolutely no problem with the wait lol, hell $2 is like... 2 cans of coke here.... - - You should really see the other games that require patreon supports.... Maybe my luck sucks but LAGS is by far the best I've seen xD

You know part of your argument I do understand and agree with - having to wait for new update for nearly 2.5 months with not that much content added compared to previous update that took less than 2 months with double the content. That kinda sucks.
But there are two point to add:

  1. patch which brings content to near parity should be out in just a week with bug fixes to content released now
  2. If you want to play new content of this game you need to normally pay only 2$, or less like now, once that is it. And if you don't want to pay you basically get like 80% of the whole game for free, the 0.2.1 has 21/25 levels done.

What I can not agree with you is considering running discount and bundle with other games made by same dev a "crowd funding".
Most crowd funding campaigns work that there is idea and people pitch in with money, and than if they reach their goal start to work on said idea (et least in cases that it is not prepared as a scam). Or in other cases when project runs out of funds, to raise more.
What is what Lags is currently doing, then? He is running promotion like many other dev studios on the market. Just look on Steam, Epic, GOG or here on Itch. It is summer sale. What may seem controversial to some that he set in stretch goal of 300$. The only difference of Itch to other platforms is that instead of paying fixed price for something is  that You decide how much You want to give to author for their product.

And to address only android version now. Considering how heated your comment was you must know bit of history of this project. But let me remind you if you forgot. When 0.2.1 was released for PC it worked well with only some minor bugs. So do to Lags goal for this game to also port it to android just like his other games. He did just that, but find out there is major problem that most of devices refused to run that version. So instead of abandoning android version or whole project with game that was one major update of to be done probably by the end of last year. He decided to REDO the whole game from scratch, while asking nothing extra from anyone who already purchased the game prior.

Honestly I'm not surprised that Lags takes longer and longer to push new stuff out. I would be burned out. Especially because he decided to update graphics so most of the things he had for old game has to be redrawn by him. And also he listened to us which caused feature creep only making development even harder.

I do like to read discussions between con artist devs and people that see through their scam. But here it is crying on wrong grave. This platform doesn't work same as subscription base platforms where someone wants lot of money for as little work as possible.

Not to mention Lags did already released two titles. Yes relatively crude and simple. But how else you want to learn and grow? By pushing your boundaries. Survive is significantly more complex than College Brawl. Same with HTA is more complex than Survive. And now you can see difference between 0.2.1 and 0.5. Only problem is that do to pear pressure we may be pushing his boundaries bit to much and bit too fast.

And if you thing so far this game is not worth your money, just wait. When is developed further or even done than you can decide if those 2$ are worth.

too horny

Hey There's a bug I don't know if it's my emulator but the game get very Laggy if you play for too long.

I'm ussing Nox

I noticed this on 0.5.2 version on Android, reboot helps

Yeah I played a little more and it happens when you are hurt at least for me in the snow level


Thank you for your work, your animation is unique and excellent 😍. You are the first person I wanted to support 😳, but my cards are rejected because I am from Russia. I was looking for workarounds, but I couldn't overcome the system. 😞


Damn man, I can't imagine the frustration of having most of the internet close you out of purchasing things just because the leader of your country is at war


Good to hear that you are love this game.


No wall detection on red pyramid stage to the right side of the lever after the keydoor. You can just run straight ahead until you fall out of bounds.


Will have it fixed soon.


How do I fight the level 8 boss?

There is a fake wall somewhere in level 8.

You will need to find a secret path to reach her. There is a hint to find these paths easily. Always try jumping, crouching or going prone near the walls you suspect.


how do I get the latest windows version....


It will be updated for PC on 8th.

Sweet thank you!

Deleted 2 years ago
how i can unlock the picture? 

That one unlocks woth res skeleton.

How do i get annie to have sex with the monsters?

You have to get Haily Pregnant with an egg and then lay it anywhere near Annie, so that the hatching monster can reach her

Bring her the egg after sex with enemy that impregnates Hailey

what games are similar to haileys adventure

Deleted 2 years ago

It doesn't look like he updated the windows download yet, only the android.

You would need to download the latest version I would assume from here for your device. 

I playing it on PC, my version is 0.2.1 I just come back to play it this day

If that is the obsolete version you will not be able to carry save game.

(1 edit)

The problem is I don't know which files I should put it in update version cause I don't have knowledge about this sorry.

To have the updated version I have to re-download the game right?

Download and it will update your current version when you go to install

Maybe it's just me, but it's impossible to get past the very first red skeleton. Knocks me off the rope every time. I can't get in

If you are just out of the skeletons range on the rope you can just spam the pickaxe swing and will eventually defeat it.

Yah for me he was never in range to hit. I eventually just kept trying a jump and swing. That eventually worked.

(2 edits) (+7)(-1)


The game is updated. I've played through to check if everything is working good and solve few bugs that I've encountered. If you find any by yourself please report it. I will have it solved in 1-2 days.

See Rebuild Devlog for more information.

Note:- PC version will be updated along with v.0.5.4.

Where is sugar&cane pls? i don't find her in 8 level :

(1 edit)

In a secret place. Placed a hint for that.

And 0.5.4 is the one coming in a week correct?


Just a heads up, it will take 12 more hours. It will be launch with lesser content and the remaining will be added in a week.


Content is content! As long it may take we're glad it comes out at all


What time will it be updated?

If you're Asian, you'll be out late in the afternoon.




GMT-4 2022.6.30 23:46

waiting for new update


Love the attention to detail with the animations- all the movement looks super fluid! Keep up the good work!


Steady Boys! Feels like Christmas is finally cumming!


Hype train full steam ahead!  🚂

Choo! Choo! 🚂


One day! the suspense is killing me


My body is ready


Didn't fap?

(1 edit)

Sorry finals version? 

Also i am want to know the New version? 


New update is coming tomorrow.


One day left! Les goooooo


The 0.2.1 and 0.2.2 apk versions are crashing when i try to enter the first level.

Any solutions?

Thanks in advance 


Try new versions (Android.Demo and 0.5.2).

0.2.1 and 0.2.2 versions not working properly on Android devices


LAGS is there anyway i can support you other than purchasing your game?


I appreciate it but purchasing game is enough support for me. Hope you are enjoying it.

when is the latest version release date LAGS

exacted and looking forward


On 1st July.


Nice to see you back LAGS


Yes, all test results are negative so I guess the worst has passed.

Do i have to replay the whole game again when the new version comes out, or is it possible to update?

Depends on which device you are playing it on. For PC or Mac the progress will retain. While on android it depends if the old application is need to be uninstalled for new update. In that case you will need to backup save files and put back in same directory once the update is installed.

Does this door will lead somewhere in next updates? That icon of man with arrow near it make me nightmares' as I still think that I miss something

If there are secrets I will let people discover by themselves but this one doesn't have any.


It's ok LAGS, take it easy, we want your health more than the game.♥️

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Here's the thing dear fans like us have to understand, 

The bigger the game is, there's more bugs to consider about.

More features = More time needed to implement it + Figuring out and fixing the bugs

Therefore deadlines are just an unrealiable way to measure time in game development, or more accurately, in any kind of programming projects.

If you have some spare time to try new things, you may download Unity creator for free, research on Unity tutorials and explore how Unity works!


We haven't been disappointed by the quality so far, so I'm sure the extra 10 days will be worth it. Good luck Lags!

(1 edit) (+5)

I was looking forward to the update a lot, but I think I can probably manage 10 more days


It was postponed to July 1st, but...

I do understand though.


It's already the 20th here, when will the update be?


Cut him some slack he's been sick


waiting for new update

Deleted 2 years ago

Just saw this updated in the "Rebuilding (latest)" page

Part II:- v.0.5.3 - 1/07/2022 (Unreleased)



I just realized that was the wrong image, it's supposed to be an uplifting "we'll make it together" image

I really love this game since i love abnormal situation with a really erotic twist in them but i just have one problem. That I use just an android mobile and I can't use my family computer to play eroge so when I downloaded the v0.2.1.apk, I couldn't play the levels after the 3rd level since the game kept closing after I pressed the play button. Still love v0.5.2 though.

Problem you describing is why is there "Rebuild" version. On almost all devices 0.2.1 android version was bugged and didn't run at all. So for now HTA.v.0.5.2.apk it is. But hopefully this upcoming week there will be new release with more content.

Yeah I'm lookin forward to the new update I  really love the game.


Games great! can't wait for the rest of the levels to be implemented again. looking forward to the new adversaries.



Thank you very much for your support to help me reach and exceeding this goal. It means a lot to me.

I should be able to resume work in couple of days.


I have to say something with all of your games the level of content creativeness different genres from platformer to fighting games the level you are at for me is the same level as Kagura games I think with the right resources you will be just as good as them if not better your story telling is way better then most NSFW games I've seen and played (which was alot) I can't wait for your next game (Magic Rings) and I'll be there with my wallet in one hand and you know what else in the other!


Thank you for flattering words. I am sure all future games will have same feedback like these games. Next project will be a zombie survival game to test out my ability in that kind of gameplay (since there are two games that will use similar style but I think are way better). I wanted to work on "Magic Ring" but that game will roughly 100+ animations (only counting sex) and 70+ character to draw and code. From last two weeks adding little by little to this project to complete at least 40% of it before releasing in early access.

Wow, that sounds exciting! Looking forward to your new projects. Just played surVive, and it was a cool dynamic and creative game style.  Based on the goal already being exceeded it’s clear you have our support. Are there other ways to back you other than donating when we purchase? 

There Will be a new page for the next  Game or it be here?


Yes, it will be on different page.

(1 edit) (+1)

Wow,that is a mountain of work to do,and im pretty sure that soon you will must think about gathering a small team to work with you and those few must be same as you,and see the bigger picture,as of increase amount of work needed,cause come on,cant compare last games with your future plans,you think big and you have the concepts in mind too,and the talent and patience for this kind of job.Not many have this in their blood as you could see how many games got abandoned due to too much stress and work to be done. And support,of course,cause its not cheap to make something greater after other great games. Keep up the good work,think about the team stuff and try to get some patreons,and most important,dont let this get to your head,otherwise will lose everything just like the others that got this on the wrong way. And 1 question,how will be this zombie survival game? Static,like survive,or will be a mixed 2d adventure like hailey game and artwork like survive,smth like ,,parasite in the city,, but with more stuffs and a start on the 2d-3d road? Tbh your games had smth that kept me playing till the end and ignore the adult stuffs but to be more focused on the tasks to complete at hand to get till the end and there are just a few games that do this from what i played till now. And btw,i apreciate the fact that you still ask only 2$ for so many things but this is way too low imo,other games on this site asked for even x5 more than you for just 3 or 4 more gallery stuffs,just for that,and you gaved for a very small money amount your work for the last 2 years or more,this is not fair tbh. You invested hundreds and hundreds of hours from your time into this,i get it,it is a passion and for this stuff you can invest  any amount of time without regret but still. You should think about a way of earning some more moneys to help you with what you do cause you deserve it.


Yes. I know these projects are huge but I can do it all by myself if I'm motivated by something. I used to have this motivation at time of development of CB. I don't know it could be because I was focused on that game only back then but now handling multiple things at once which maybe causing all this exhaustion. 

Well once this project and other things are done will maintain a time table and avoid any unnecessary side work.

About the game it will play more like PiC. If graphics are ignored, I'm sure this game will be better in terms of gameplay and story.

I tend treat "H" content like adult mods and try to offer some gameplay to make it more replayable years later if find it in your library.

I think if the game is good and doesn't affect your pocket too much you won't mind spending money on it. I'm planning to release it on DLSite and Steam later to earn some more money.

PiC was in my mind too when i asked about your next major game,so it will be a very nice game. Nice but i guess maybe 1 or 2 years will pass till we will see a little from that game,as you must work alone.

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