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How can i get this Animation?? 

Deleted 100 days ago

How much a guy gotta tip to get another update on this? Love this game and tired of waiting, Take my money! lol But seriously this is my fav game in this genre and I need more of these freaky sisters

Sorry, but work is on hold for this game. There will be more of this game in the future.

Deleted 116 days ago
(1 edit)

I can recommend one ( free game )

How i can get these scenes?

I think first one is from Hailey's level 1. If you have level 4 unlocked, go back to level 1 and find Ruth and Mason. Stand extremely close to them for a minute and Annie should come there.

The rest are just Moon's other animation that can be switch every 30 seconds if you hit the plan board.

Ty bro,I saw in one of your reply that you did to someone, and I read that you hurt your hand, how is your hand?

como conseguiste el de ariba y el de al lado?el gris ese

tenes que dejarte cojer por una medusa entre 3 a 5 veces para que la medusa se transforme en un clon de hailey, despues de que se haya transformado podes:dejarte cojer por ella, que se coja a la mercader,o que el zombie marron se la coja, yo te recomiendo que dejes al zombie marron en la superficie y despues lleves al clon. Cabe recalcar que una vez que la medusa coje con alguien esta se va a masturbar(en caso de que lo haga con hailey), o se va a morir (en caso de que coja con la mercader) si lo hace con el zombie la va a cojer hasta que se muera

muchisimas gracias

Me explican que hacer con esta?

Tenes que dejarte cojer por un gusano verde, despues vas con annie y esperas a que salga el huevo del gusano, una vez que sale del huevo el gusano, este mismo se va a ir a coger a annie


(1 edit)

Como se consigue esta animación 

When will there be an update for this game


Not any time soon because next update is going to be images only and I've broken a bone in my palm.


Sorry to hear that Lags, I wish you a fast and smooth recovery 🙂👍

How do you make jelly hailey past the golden gate on level 14?

I just used a teleporter next to the special zombie to kite a jellyfish over there.


Como obtengo estas últimas animaciones y donde y como

Let the zombie do a grab move and don't try to get away. In Annie's game of course.


Hey LAGS, I can't buy this game. Why?

Could be because your card not supporting international transaction or from a sanctioned country.

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What should I do? Pls, I want this game. Can you send me this game as a gift? I'll give you 3$ for that.

First payment bruh 🌚


Hey LAGS, I had an idea how to improve the achievements, for example, for the achievements of Honey Maker, we get the opportunity to unlock a unique animation with Honey-makers, or for the achievements of Understand my Pain, we get the opportunity to unlock a unique animation of Annie with 2 creatures. How do you like the idea?


Could be great hidden content but I'm trying get these projects done as early as possible.

How can I get second animations in Annie's adventure?

Como obtuviste la del jefe de annie 

Esa animación se obtiene en el nivel de la casa 

how to get this animation? Help

Go to Annie house level   first talk to shop keeper until she annoyed  talk her 4 ya 5 Times 

if she annoyed you go to up and get Mason to shopkeeper you will get this animation 

Now you tell me how you unlocked  shopkeeper with jally's  right animation

Hi LAGS. I just recently bought HTA. I originally had the demo, and upgraded to the full game. I cant rescue the girl on the 3rd level. I can see the open part of the entrance to where she is at, but my character will not move through the wall. I've tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it. How do I get back there?


You must have level 11 unlocked before you can enter there.

Thank yo


Lag you guys should add snake monsters or a level that has a water monster


That's nice idea but I don't wanna pile up more work.

Is this game still on pause while you work on the other project?

(1 edit) (-1)

Hey lag I don't know if it's a good suggestion or not but can you also give a file to us ? ( Like a gallery unlock something 🙃 )


I mean what's point of me making secret content then. I could do make video for anyone not able to unlock some animations.

Hmm 🤔 maybe but bruh 💀 some times it takes too much affert by the way on which game are you currently working 🫵🙂

He is working on LUstful spirit hunt a pc only game

LSH but all works are on hold on account of my injury. Still trying to get something done so picking apart mini games from some projects.

Noice 👌 

Pls lags i need new update

Sorry update for LSH is still pending and it's further delayed because of my palm fracture. There will not be an update for this game any time soon.

No lags, i love this game

I found a place where the mushroom girl is not there, what should I do to make her appear?

Her quest is removed.




Anybody know any games similar to Hailey treasure adventure

Is it possible to see the  zombie 2 cum and other pictures with 2 enemies

They are not in the game yet.

One question? 

That mason guy that people talk about is he on haileys adventure or annies 

And how do i unlock him i heard people talk about a hidden laptop and mena boss or smth 

Can someone explain lol thanks in advance im new here


He is in both, to start in halieys on the first level when you start and go to the left you can hear something (try jumping the barrier). Once you do they will be there having a good time (secret animation if you stay there long enough). He will also appear on the 14th leven in this hidden area(see image attached) there will be some story to this so good luck.  and in Annie's he will show up in the first training level and will have two animations one with Annie and one with the shop keep. He will also appear in the football quest(Soccer for my American groups) and that has 3 different goals. His last animations will be in the cherry cave(must have football quest done as well) he will have 4 more animations there as well if you can figure them out, good luck and happy fun times 🤟

 pls help me , open all of this 😞


The last one in the second picture is being attacked by slime on the ceiling.

(1 edit)

 Obviously I got this bug.

(This is the latest version

Some of the images are not there yet.

Deleted 100 days ago
Deleted 100 days ago
Deleted 100 days ago
Deleted 100 days ago
Deleted 100 days ago

HTA V 0.6.3 chickens at what level

There are none in this version


DAMN! +800% of your goal! Love to see so much support for this game. I always enjoy playing it, and i see there was an update recently. i'mma have to play that now. Thanks LAGS!!!!

Sry i have a problem with moon i can't find her in level 3, i search in every wall in the level and one time i try to go to level 4 to find the goblin if the quest is bugged and i just found a house with a panel that say no blond girl allowed and i just give up. can someone help me just to find moon the rest i now where is it. (sorry for my bad english)

check against the wall where the rope is on level 3 should be just bellow the end of the rope, and for the goblins go to the shack then telliport back to the start afterwards you will find your prize(shoot the sign afterwards).

Hey where is the key  for golden door in lvl 14 its not in the secret roomm in lvl 15

Talk to the lovely lady on 17(far right side on the surface)

i really need help it's been like this since the release of the newest version

how did you get this?

Hey LAGS, does the Android version also have the alternate English texts? I can't find a way to enable it.

Jellyhaily no llega a alcanzar a alguien, se muere antes

Hi LAGS Where did those grey guys go on level 14? Sorry for my English I use a translator

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