How does 1 edit a save file on android? There are a few animations and pictures i cant seem to get despite having interacted with the relevant creature
This one is of Jellyhailey with Mason. If you have already fought Mena then you might need to reset her boss fight with laptop in that level. Once you done that just make an jellyhailey on other side of the map and lure her to them.
In tutorial level of Annie see if Judy spawn in the next room. You can just move left and press hold Q to see if she is there. If she is then restart the level. Once she is no longer there get knocked by caveman.
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Hey LAGS i was wonderin is there a way to change your jewel value or cheat in jewels mostly because im too lazy to grind for them
What kind of Golems? Can I take a screenshot?
Hey lags, why did you eliminate the golems in this latest version but they still appear in the missions?
(I love your games!)
Guys how come i only get 4 maps on v0.7.3.4 can anyone help me?
You need play more hailay levels
How can I unlock this animation? can you help me please
How does 1 edit a save file on android? There are a few animations and pictures i cant seem to get despite having interacted with the relevant creature
How do i unlock the rest of Annies adventure I only have the training level and the 2nd
How do I find this animation, I tried everything, I'm from Brazil
Mano kkk vc tem animação q eu n consegui até agora
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Does anyone know how to have those two animations?
Get her remaining outfits from extra menu.
How can I get those animations Explain to me
This one is of Jellyhailey with Mason. If you have already fought Mena then you might need to reset her boss fight with laptop in that level. Once you done that just make an jellyhailey on other side of the map and lure her to them.
Bro can u send a link here on that game i really want that game and I can't find it
How do you get past the barriers
Do you mean the robot barriers? you have to enter without the backpack
(Batteries for the robot in the store)
Yes I know they're in the store but how many do I need to give him? I've bought like 20 😭
I need help please, I can't unlock these animations. Does anyone know how to unlock the first two?
I already did the last two (mushroom and miner) but I think there is an error to save, I don't know how to solve it
Excuse my English, I use the translator.
How many battery packs did you need for the robot
I don't remember well, there were like 8
Brasileiro ?
Hey LAGS, I wonder if the Ass-Ass-in from the old versions will be returned?
No. Assassins will not make return.
Which is level 3 on Annie's adventure?
The one where you don't have jetpack.
I would like to know the estimated time for the next version
For now lags is working on a different project
New game?
I'm unsure. Yet to release at least one of three promised map of LSH so it's going to take a while.
hey LAGS, for lustful spirit hunt, is there going to be a animation gallery? If not, please reconsider it.
There is. But from what I know, it's premium only.
wait its not free? Where can I get this info because it isnt in the lustful spirit hunt thread
Well I tested both versions.
Free Version [Demo]
Less Maps, Less Ghosts, Less Stuff.
Premium Version [Full Version]
More Maps, More Ghosts, More Animations [Side characters] Animation Gallery, Luna's Tablet [Mini games available]
There is a animation galley for LSH. You have to find Sabrina. Once she is recruited animation gallery will be available on the computer.
it ain't letting me download the game, what do I do?
What problem do you face?
I endedbup figuring it out, thanks though!
What's the difference between NoURP and normal version of the android demo
NoURP has no night levels. Normal version doesn't work on all Android devices.
How to unlock all the sex images
The ones with scribbles over it are not yet to be drawn.
LAGGGGGGS!!!!!!! ADD A FACE HUGGER ENEMY AND MY LIFE IS YOURS!!!!! Or a slime ball that traps haily that would be cool too
Would do slime ball for Hailey but face hugger is big no as would like to keep that idea for zombie game if I decide to make it.
awww Ok QwQ i guss i will put a face hugger in my game and name it the Lag Lacher <3
Hey lags how's going man I was wondering if you have done something about the request I have made last time 🤔
I got my hands on too many pies at the time and those are quite lengthy projects.
Hmm , ok no problem I know that's it's really hard for you too work so good luck
Hi, I am from Iraq and I do not have a PayPal account. How can I buy the game?
Well you can't 💀
Hello Lags, i can't find, where i can download it?
It's removed the latest version don't have support for additional languages.
The Health of Hailey is too much Sus
And it's still increasing. I tried restarting the game and also tried the next level but it is still going beyond 200.
Anyways it's good for me.
How? Do you remember any specific things you done before this happened?
1.Final map not done yet.
2.Look for Moon in bottom left side stage of Annie to begin her quest. Then play Frost Peak to and talk to her then find a secret goblin place.
3.Get grabbed by zombie in Annie level and wait until the game over.
The zombie animation worked, but I can't find the moon, which map it's on, and is there any condition for it to appear?!
And also if you could teach me how to put the translation for Android that would be great.
I need help with these final three
I also need help with these 3 animations
Get grabbed by zombie in Annie's level.
Any eta of the next update or where to follow for the planned updates? Thank you
Lag is working another project right now but he'll release a small update adding more art work and snow beast then big update later on
hey LAGS, this is the only animation i'm missing, how do i unlock it, been trying to figure out so long
you need do a bunch of steps here's a link for a video
It's In there
thanks alo
In tutorial level of Annie see if Judy spawn in the next room. You can just move left and press hold Q to see if she is there. If she is then restart the level. Once she is no longer there get knocked by caveman.
thank you
That's the worm enemy from level 17.
I need help with my final three left for Annie
Get grabbed by zombie in Annie's level.
If you are playing an old build play level 14. Unfortunately this enemy is scrapped for new build.
Anyone know how to get past the wall of energy in the sinkhole level of Annie's expedition?
Get knocked by a bat near it

Find girl in level 8
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