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(2 edits) (+3)


What I'm on: Windows 10 x64 based Intel core i3 laptop. (Runs the game fine)

General Suggestions: Can you add a version # in one of the corners in the title menu in game. Please and Thank you. This helps players with making sure they have the right version as well as reporting which version they are encountering the bugs & problems. 

Mob suggestions for the future:
- Cave Slimes Definitely... "I was fearing the cave water acid pools because of this... kind of sad when I found out it did nothing other than drain health super fast."
- Cave Dragons??? "Sorry I've been watching too much Reign of Fire lately... as well as playing Ravager among other things but that's besides the point." 
- 'Giant' Worms? "Oh Terraria what have you done to my mind." 
- Mummies for the pyramid levels. "What's a pyramid without mummies?." - That's all I got for now off the top of my head. You have or have planned everything else I can think of at this time. 

Player Feedback so far without writing a book: I like these types of games. So tired of reading novels... they tend to be a bore and a turn off with a few exceptions. It reminds me of The Motherload way back when on X-gen Studios, Terraria & Spelunky. I was wondering if I'd ever see an adult version of a pure mining game such as this.  It doesn't disappoint & is quite an enjoyable little platformer. The unlockable pictures are decent. The intro story is motivating enough for a female protagonist to give the player purpose. I was able to go through the first 16 levels in about an hours time which is all I really expect from most arcade adult games. Especially when I just want to get to the adult features/ rewards... It's a simple little game for now but it did just practically come out though, so there is plenty of time/room for improvement. Can't wait to see what you add to this one in the future.

As for bugs...
- Well, it would be helpful if we had movement after jumping from standing still. Was having trouble getting on some platforms due to the way it is now.
- Some enemies like the blue skeleton can't hit the player if you stand inside of them. This is most noticeable after sex animations.
- People have been saying that there is some sort of fall damage bug in the game related to FPS. Not sure of this one myself as I did not encounter any such problem. 
- Mining tends to be faster by "Jump hitting."

Default Controls & problems: 
- I highly recommend making it so the player can just press [S] or [Down movement] to crouch by default so they can more easily deal with those pesky worms & small creatures. Having to press [C] to crouch is very tedious. 
- Also holding, double or even triple tapping [S] or [Down Movement] while not on a rope would be better to go prone than [Z]. Jump or [Space] to cancel. 

Additional Player Feedback: 
- The only level I didn't really like was the short level 15 where you practically just fall to the bottom and take the platform back up. This may be a fast way to get gold but I felt the level itself was just kind of... well, basic, tacky & lazy. Although the idea of a deep dive mine isn't bad. It just needs to be executed a bit differently is all. Sorry.
- Her sister should be more curious, concerned or even envious as to why sometimes she comes out of the mines in a... ehem, interesting state, to say the least...  "That's all for now. Hope this feedback helps."


Thank you for the feedback!

Will display version number on title screen from next update.

The things that drains health faster is actually acid not slime. I initially planned an immortal slime enemy that will chase you to a certain distance but scrapped because the drawing turned out really bad.

When you think about dragon, medieval theme comes first in mind. So in future if I made a game with such theme will add enemies accordingly. 

Have no plans of adding Giant worms as I have already added smaller worms. You are right! There can't be a pyramid without mummies but they will added in the update after upcoming one.

The levels can be completed faster once you have purchased the teleportation device which I planned to keep expensive to avoid exploitation of this feature.

I have already taken care of jump controls. Will make the controls more simpler once update 0.3 is launched. Reason being this game will be ported to android device so it's  will be easier for me to add UI.

After reading the review about level 15, I think I need to redo level 15 and 21 as 21 is shorter than all of the levels. For the time being I will keep the old layout and redesign in update 0.3.

I got help the needed for dialogues with sister. That person have really written spicy dialogues for different scenarios. Far better than three repetitive dialogues I have written.

(2 edits) (+1)

Happy to hear about the version number display. That's good news. Thanks!

And thank you very much for replying after taking the time to read my feedback, idea's, & suggestions. Very kind of you ^_^
I'll admit first thing and foremost, Cave Dragons were a bit far fetched for this game. Besides, they can be difficult to draw and animate anyways. I can see that. No worries there. That will makes things easier in the long run. Good call. If you can draw and animate dragons well though, all the more power to you. I sure as hell can't lol. And I LOVE Dragons... 😥

As for the worms: Fair enough. It was just an idea. 


As for the acid: Whoops, My bad, I did know it was acid (pretty sure I saw something in game say as much...) which is why I mentioned slimes because they tend to dissolve cloths (uwu) and get into things (O_O)... That's the best thing about slimes, they can be made out of anything & squeeze into anywhere... "I don't know why the hell I called it water, typing too fast I guess 😖." Anyway... I'll correct that obviously. My bad. Nice catch. Thank you. 

The news about slimes getting scrapped for now is a bummer though. It would have been a nice addition "if" you could've made it work, annd I hate to admit it buut I do have a little bit of a slime fetish  on the side. "We all have our things... uwu." I can't imagine it would have been the worst animations I've ever seen that was passible... Speaking of which, Ever play a game called "Space Escape"? 

Fun short little flash game, not the best animations or art. Still, fun though. Not bad. Similar in comparison to a degree but 
I feel you're art is better already, and that game was practically finished... 
"As for the slimes: Oh well  -_- I'm just one person and you can't please everyone though. That's life." Thanks for the update. Thanks for at least considering adding them. Thanks anyway. Enough said, moving on.

As for the teleportation device... YES!, very futuristic, sounds very useful & very cool. That's kind of exciting. Such a device would definitely come in handy especially for those "sticky" situations within the depths of the mines. That is certainly going to be a late game changer. No more long return journey's from the bottom of the mine after end game to the top ^_^. Hurray! I'm for it. I can't wait. Implement it wisely...

As  for levels 15 & 21: I'm interested to see what you do with them in the future & come up with.
I was just speaking my mind. I didn't expect... I mean... that was... thanks. 🙂 

Don't forget, you can always keep scrapped levels as "bonus levels" for whatever purpose. You know, kind of like easter egg levels/ Crazy levels... You did put work into them after all. Might as well use them for something right?
Heey, there's an idea... what if one of the pitfall traps lead to the old level 15 setting the player back or forward... 😈 Anyway...

The only other things that I failed to mention in the previous feedback that might be helpful are: 

- If there was some sort of shop or supply cache on the surface to re-supply. If you run out of supplies within the mines but are able to make it back to the surface to resupply. Or perhaps because the player forgot to use the upgrade store between levels or was just short of purchasing something... You know what I mean.
- I hate to admit or even mention it, but skeletons should also respawn after a short time like the zombies as they are magical creatures being held together by an unknown means or necromancy. Isn't that the usual common sense story?. 
In general, certain "undead" enemies should respawn, such as the mummies being added later and the like...
Maybe you can add holy water throwables to the game or something like that to keep the undead dead for game play balancing. I don't know about this one though. Like I said "I hate to say it." People don't usually look forward to enemies respawning or getting back up lol.
The zombies can be a hassle as it is on the way back out. I'm happy no matter what you decide on this one. Take a player vote/ hold a poll if you're really unsure. It's never a bad idea to ask the players. Your game. Your call. You're the dev. I'm just here to supply ideas or spark new ones.

"I Hate being thoughtful sometimes, I really have to find a way to shorten the feedback more -_-... Thought I'd have a bit of fun with it anyway. Felt conversational. I'm sorry."

Seems like you have everything under control and know exactly where and what you want to do with it. I'll leave you to it. I look forward to playtesting it again in the future. It's always awesome when the dev listens to the players. Some of us actually know what we want XD. Crazy right? Just make sure to keep the list of things to do in each update manageable yeah?. No one likes to see a burnt out dev.

Obviously you don't have to respond to everything. This is here just so it was said for peace of mind.
From here on out I will try to keep the feedback separated by what it's about in separate posts to keep things tidy. Starting with the next question I have if it hasn't already been answered once I get back to the forums here. See you there hopefully. 

            "Like a book you can always keep writing but its good to have a fulfilling end at some point..."

            "As always, just trying to help. Hope you enjoyed the read & don't mind."


I haven't played that game. The ones inspired me had great art and animations so I always wanted to make my art look like theirs. 

I like the idea of shops at the surface. But all the upgrades will cost 25% and consumables will cost 50% more money.

Even though it's logical that skeletons should be revived like zombies but then there will be too many enemies that will keep coming back once you killed them. Golem also revives after sometime so that's make it two  as of now.

Couldn't agree more. There are so many undead as it is. Reminds me of Castlevania... Good times.

Does anyone have this working on mac? isnt loading for me

Are you running the Big Sur or Catalina updates?

Yes I am on BigSur. 
I managed to find a way around by changing the properties in terminal using the following:

chmod -R 755 "the path to your game here e.g  /Users/X/Downloads/"


Love the game so far. So about when is update 0.2 going to come around because I really would like to know so I can come a get it to keep have a blast.


the update will be released on 10th Sep.

Obrigado 😊

Poderia trazer uma versão desse para Android????😭

A versão Android será lançada com a atualização 0.3.


Just bought it, the demo shows great potential, and the promise of mixed gangbang interactions brings this up above the rest. Thank you for making a good adult game that's not a visual novel. ♥


thank you! I'm sure you will love the final product.


Hi dude, i'm really looking forward to update 0,2


how goes progress my dude? hope you aren't over working yourself.


The project looks promising and successful, the idea is the original, drawing is excellent but a lot of things can be improved, although it is obvious that this will be done in the final version of the game, I hope for the development team, you are great! Already bought it:D


I'm sure you will love the upcoming update.


I really like the concept and the experience so far. Keep it up!
Only thing I could see improving on is the movement, as it feels a bit stiff, but it works well enough.

All there really is left to make this good game a GREAT game, is more content, which would flesh out the experience to a satisfying fulfillment.
Take your time and keep up the great work! Cheers!


Sure thing!


I'm as eager and impatient as the next guy but we gotta be patient people. It will be done when it's done. Creator works his ass off. Cheers

when is the next update?


lot of things to be done so I can't provide a specific date for release.


Will this be coming on Android?


Yes it will be with update 0.3

Hello, I´d like to know if you have any update about the next update? How do you see it with release date? 

I loved the game. It is very nice game with lot of content. I hope the next release will make this game even better.

Check out the development log, He does a great job of updating what he has finished

As that_guy11 has mentioned, you can see progress of the new update in dev log. Unfortunately the progress is not complete enough for me to provide any specific date but I'm trying my best to finished it before this month ends.

As of 0.1, this game has more content than half the completed games i have played and leagues above in quality than most of them.

Art and animations a excellent but the gameplay is only mediocre. I think zooming out the camera would help as it is difficult see enemies when moving. Also the standing attack feels a bit odd, perhaps extending the hitbox a little helps.

You should seriously consider uploading a smaller -maybe single stage- demo on newgrounds or whatever other site that accepts these games just for the advertisement. It will definitely skyrocket the popularity as its a great game that is difficult to come across.

Hello, I'm glad you liked the game. The camera function is like that to make it difficult for a bit. I'm not aware if any other sites that accepts these kinds of game. There are lot of Japanese sites I know but not the English ones.


Newgrounds accept Adult games for a very long time now, more than a decade.

For Instance, 

Zum Damenhaus,

Future Fragments,


These games dev circles are still very active in Newgrounds


Thank you for the information. I have to update the demo and make one for android once the game is complete. Will upload it there as soon as it's complete.

(1 edit)

Ohh newgrounds... our beloved Discord before Discord. The only discord for me.


Newgrounds works as futon explained.

You'll get a lot of exposure from putting a demo there. It would be a big waste not to. I literally found out about this game because i was bored out of my mind and decided to dig deep in

I love this game and really appreciate information on the progress on the next update. I am looking forward to the V.0.2 and V.0.3( sorry for my bad English).

I'm kind'a new for inchio. If I buy the game now, how could I get the update, without paying it twice?



basically there will be a new version available for you to download. Keep your email with the download link just in case.

Hey there! Is there any update about the next update? Really looking forward to it


I can't give any specific date right now but I'm trying my best to finish is as early as possible. 


Either way take your time. It is done when it is done

It will play on Mac, but you need a Terminal window and use the command: 

chmod -R 755 "Drag And Drop The File Here From Finder To Populate Path"

I love this game so far but is there like cheats for it? I'd kind of like to skip over the hard parts and just see the animations and stuff lol

As of now I don't have plans to add cheats in the game. But there will be few feature that will reduce difficulty.

Will there be a chance to increase difficulty as well down the road?

Yes. The game will be available in two difficulties.

level seven fucking sucks dick


The bullshit bats to knock you off the ropes are the most frustrating bullshit I have encountered in a game in a long time and I hope and fucking pray they stop at some point

I've been stuck on this level for a month because it makes me screaming god damn mad every time. It's not even the enemies that fucking kill you, it's the god damn poison.

(6 edits)

Bought it, hoping that you really do pull through and manage to update. Even in this demo state, it's pretty great aside from some issues here and there. It's rare to find an H-game that's actually even a halfway decent game, and rarer still for the quality of the art to be as good as it is.

Very nice to see actual animation rather than the usual, cheap-looking 2D sprite rigging you tend to see nowadays.

In a perfect world, there'd be the option to have the main character be naughty herself. Maybe certain attacks would just knock out enemies rather than killing them, and she'd be able to have her own fun. Oh well, such is the reality of limited resources and time...


Yes! Hand made animations looks way nicer if drawn correctly. Trying to improve it a bit more.

(8 edits)

One thing I'd suggest for the animations is making her more expressive during some of the finishes. For example, when the single worm climaxes in her she's just looking up with a too neutral expression like "oh, this is happening now" lol. It looks weird considering how concerned she looks immediately beforehand.

As for the egg-laying scene, maybe add a few looping frames of her struggling to push it out before it finally gets through? An ounce of anticipation leads to a pound of satisfaction.

On the gameplay front, maybe add a more immediate way to do crouching attacks?  Perhaps down + attack could just give you immediate access to the crouching swing rather than always having to crouch first.

I also echo another commenter's suggestion of cum versions for the gallery pictures.

Deleted post

Hello, I don't have any idea about converting local currency to USD but I use PayPal to make purchase on this site. My primary currency is set to USD so PayPal automatically converts from my local currency to USD. If you still face any issue try They would be the best people to assist on the problem.

Deleted post

Hello there, I'm sorry to announce that update will be delayed as my laptop needs repair and I don't have any spare system to work with. Hope you all will understand. 


Things happen that you can't always be prepared for. Just looking forward when the update does drop. Hope all goes well.


I'm impatient and disappointed, but that's not your fault shit happens. Take all the time you need


Hope you did back up your progress every week.

Do not worry,  please take all the time you need 👍

God damn you Murphy's law. >:(



The repair part is delayed from past two weeks due to covid restrictions. Fortunately they have offered me a new laptop in exchange of the old one but the model I required will be available on this Thursday. So hopefully work will be continued soon.


Remember to take your chances to rest well before getting the new laptop! ❤️


Sure! I find this work really exciting so sometimes I don't feel like taking rest.


Seeing how much effort you seem to put into it and how much i enoyed the first version, i actually feel really bad that i bought the game in sale for less than two bucks


Glad to hear you enjoyed initial release. I hope it will be much better for upcoming update.

There is no need to feel bad about. I'm really happy you showed support for my work.


Received the new laptop. Now I can resume work.

Yey, the inexorable march of progress resumes!


Yeah! I really hope to finish it quicker without compromising animation quality.


any estimated time when V.0.2 releases? :)


it should be complete by the end of this month.

Not sure if you planned to add this, but a creampie version of the gameover pictures would be nice!


Sure! These details will make them better.

gotta say, that's quite a grind

well played. Does the image you used in thumbnail appears for red skin? Cause that skin will be replaced with something else.


how often do u work on the game? the game is awsome btw! :)


For past two months I've been working 10 hours a day.


Please get a nice rest and drink more water ❤️

Sure! Thank you.😁

Hey, great game.I would like to know about the release date of the next update, if it is certainly not a secret


I can't provide exact release date until all animations are drawn. In addition to that 0.3 version will be merged in this update.

Level 5 has no barrier near the start. You can jump out of the level.


Hello, I'm well aware of that glitch and will be dealt in upcoming update.


Any reason not to have a Patreon / SubscribeStar account? I would definitely support you. No need for super advanced patron stuff just post a paragraph once a month to tell about plan and progress.

(1 edit) (+3)

I can always post information regarding progress and future plans on my website. Thank you but the support I'm  getting right now is enough for me. I don't think there is any need of Patreon account just for updates and I feel a bit awkward for getting money for providing nothing.

don't know about subscriberstar, but patreon is horrible. They limit artists greatly with purist rules. No bestiality, no rape I think and some other things I couldn't tell on top of my head right now. Purchasing from sites like itchio is a good way to go from my perspective. No assumptions, just informing.

Also subscriber plans like that is way too abused nowdays for milking patrons. A lot of great projects are basically dead milk fest because of it. Not a great practice to have that option imo

Yes. The patreon model seems fair only if a game is going to receive updates in timely manner.

(3 edits)

Well not necessarily. If someone wants to support monthly, regardless of the dev's update schedule, it's absolutely fine. It's just bad when the artist decides to start to maliciously stall his work progress for more money, going against promises and sincerety.

But that was like a side note about many devs, not all of course. My main problem with patreon is that it doesn't care about artist freedom of expression. They are very upright strict with their subjective, arbitrary and hypocritical purist views on morality. For examples - if you have rape, sex with monsters that resemble real animals too much, (probably prostitution too), birthing younglings that aren't eggs and/or immediately adults after.. you are gone until you change it. And there are many, much more innocent fenishes they don't allow.
 New artists think that patreon is the #1 go to for support to do whatever they want to create, and unfortunately it's not and I feel many are trapped there already, restricted by patreon's dumb rules or just prefer the money they are already making. It's unfortunate


When I was on Patreon, I knew there must be some rules on patreon that would restrict artistic freedom. So never really used it to post details about games. I do not know what's itch.ios take on such content. But I'm gonna making them as long as my brain works.

Patreon is very well known site. Almost all of the creators must have used patreon once in their life. These artists can shift to any other platforms if they want too.

On top of their strict purity of content policies, Patreon also takes up to 15%+ of the profits depending on the developer page you make there. Not only that, they are NOT a discovery platform. So  the only way people can find you there is if you promote your product elsewhere ( which is difficult to do on most sites due to site policies thanks to the modern age if you're not already selling it there...), share the link personally or people already know you and search for you manually. Even then they might not be able to find you because Patreons auto-suggest search bar is garbage. Google only works to find you there after your page has been up for a while. Potential new supporters may never find you there simply because they don't have a way of randomly coming across you unless your product is already in a place where they can. Such as here.
Been there, done that. Never again unless certain conditions are met. 

Patreons a great place for a tip jar for already "well known" content creators though. Trash for anything else as far as I'm concerned. Better off making a living elsewhere if you're not popular or already well known. but that's just my personal opinion on that site with a bad experience. If you are really curious about Patreon you can find a pricing link at the bottom of their page and how it works if you haven't seen it already. Let me know if you want the link. I'm not so prejudice against them yet that I wouldn't share their information if asked for it. But I'm not going to butter it up either. I'm not saying don't use it. All I'm saying is wait until you need a tip jar for all your supporters & followers. That's what Zone-Tan does...

(1 edit)

Honestly, for now, I'm glad you chose to upload your game. This is a discovery platform as far as I can tell. Not the greatest one but not bad either. All you need to do is upload your content and you'll appear at the top of the "Most Recent" games list. Which players can discover just by searching for new adult games while here and selecting the "Most Recent" tab or by playing with the filters a bit. They don't even have to know you exist when you're on there to discover you. 

I've came across some extremely random new games that I never even knew existed on my visits here just because of that. That is a good thing. There is nothing wrong with a bit of random. There is no feeling quite like discovering something new and enjoyable by chance. Sites like this are too far and few in between nowadays with all the privacy concerns. Its ruining the internet! Have privacy concerns/ issues. It's simple. Don't put all your personal information on the web. This is a great site for finding new games and developers.

The only way I can think of that it could be better is if the visitors didn't have to play with the filters so damn much to find adult games and new ones at that. But at least it is possible for now or else I wouldn't even be here. Good thing for bookmarks for quick access ^_^ Besides, got to make the site kid friendly somehow...

So, honest question here, as Im a bit of achievement hunter, even with H-games, but are the achievements for golems, vines, and head hunters currently earnable or are they for next update? Just as I've beaten all levels as far as I know and I have yet to see any of those 3 enemies.

Otherwise a great game, but it did feel just a smidge too easy at times. The scorpion and spider are a little too similar not to feel a little bored with. The blue skeletons amp the difficulty quite well but it does mean that they're the only real use of bombs while prone to completely outplay them, but if trying o use the pickaxe to kill they kick your ass (then other things to your ass :P).

Personally found it a bit odd that when I ran out  of healing that I couldnt game over to h-animations but could from egg-laying. Making it so the enemies game over you from sex then not let you go when finished would make it feel a little more immersive. Also feels a little difficult to lose at times (speaking as a sub). Any plans for a hard mode/ difficulty toggle in the future perchance?

Amazing stuff though, art style is something I find weirdly relaxing despite the rather sinister areas.

Hello, those enemies will be there in next update.

Hopefully you will find upcoming sets of enemies a little more interesting.

I will make some changes in the code so that you would get game over from sex. No plans for changing the difficulty level yet but will consider it once the update is complete.

I see you love to play difficult game. Why don't you try a contra game I made couple of months ago. I didn't spend much time to polish it so it's a bit buggy but challenge to complete. Here's the link:

Hey! Really awesome game! A thing that i would suggest would be to make a gallery for the animations as well. I really enjoy them but they are not very long


Thank you. The animation gallery is on it's way with the upcoming update. Well I kept their duration  short so that players can quickly complete achievements.

I would also suggest that the heroine does not automatically get up after getting f***d, and just waits for the player to press a movement key?

Once the update is complete I 'll implement it with hard mode.

(1 edit)


Love everything about it. Don't mind the bats, don't mind the traps, don't mind anything anyone's been having trouble with really.

My refresh rate is 75 and I have no problem with falling, almost feels like I need to fall way too high to take damage(the very first unavoidable fall takes like 10-15% hp), but I hope bugs like that will be fixed for other people. Also pressing B regardless of my input settings fully heals me for free for no reason, as though I have a cheat on idk.

Would be nice to have some quality of life things, like tooltips explaining what exactly every upgrade does, because rn I don't know exactly what strengthned body does. Could even just be a .txt document that comes with the game, like a manual.

Looking forward to seeing new content, wish you the best, but especially to not get overwhelmed by suggestions and have a clear vision of the game and stay true to it. Can't please them all. For example personally I'd love if the MC could be visibly pregnant for some more time before birthing, like actually being able to play with a growing belly before the birth stun. As well as just lengthening the sex animations, like maybe double or triple the time, have the damage over time reduced, but do the same amount in the end if you let it go till the end as normally.

Anyway, good job. This is the kind of game you find in a piracy site and go buy it anyway lol

(1 edit)


I'm glad you liked the game.

There not much difference between 60 and 75 so you will not face that issue. In the update I'll try to resolve this issue. If that doesn't work, will change it with 1-2 sec stun with animation doubling the fall heights with no health penalties. Those inputs functions were left to remove from 0.1 so will be dealt in upcoming update.

Body Strengthening increases the number of hits you take before losing clothes. will do something abouts the upgrade menu such as a description box popping up as soon as you hover over the skill. For now will make a pdf to explain stuffs.

I can't add bloated belly in this game as there are so many skins and frames for animations.  But will add this detail in the next game called Prison Break.

Thank you. I know if your game worth it, people will definitely buy it. I'm really happy to gain  your trust.

(2 edits)

Hey, thank you for the reply.

Of course everything I said is just to consider if it's a good idea and worth your time adding to the game, for you to decide. Or future games. There are so many fetishes out there, last thing you wanna do is burn out, but if you will add a pdf, I think it sounds like a good and easy, fast idea. If anything, I just hope when the nude skin will be available, she will be actually very nude, like barefoot :D

Another thing would be nice to add in the pdf is numerical indication how much upgrades affect you. For example, it's obvious from gameplay that bomb upgrades give up +5 maximum capacity, but max health doesn't give you the exact numbers how much more life you get, and it's hard to judge by testing from being hit. So if original health is 100% or 100, then something like "+20%" or whatever the actual numbers are would be neat to see in the pdf or tooltip per upgrade. Just an idea for better clarification.


(1 edit)

i cant seem to get any further on the first night. i get to the place past the arrow trap.

(3 edits) (+1)

You have to collect a key first. It is required to open the gate in front of the treasure chest. If you go to the left(instead of right to the arrow trap) after you have descended second rope, you will find it. Around that narrow gap press 'Z' to pass through (You can't attack with pick-ax, but can throw explosives).

thank you


If you're like me, press x to crawl under the small space.

A great Game, will it become a Android version?

Yes, it will be available for android too with the next update.

Hey lag,since you make a lot of adult survival games.I have a suggestion for you,Have you thought of making a game that revolves women without any clothing throughout the game and try to defend themselves from monsters from being raped?

(1 edit) (+2)


Thank you for the idea. How about this kind of game-play? You can't attack enemies. The only things you can do are run and hide or get creampied. There will few gameplay elements like climbing, hiding and distracting enemies to make your way through. I have already thought of a basic plot for this game and added this to ongoing poll on my website.

(1 edit)

Yeah,that might work but make sure the characters including the female main lead will remain naked without any clothing throughout the game  and also since reflection is selected one make her along with the characters remain naked in the game


Yes. If that is going to be her only skin, I will add small details like cum stains on her body wherever she is fucked and some other stuffs(would like to keep the rest as a surprise).

(2 edits)

good enough so make sure the female main character will remain naked without any clothing throughout your reflection game.

By the way what if the future game will be nudist female only brawl game with naked girls with no clothing  having a lesbian catfight battle (just asking)

I have different plans for Reflection game so I can't grant that request for that game. The only games where you will be able to get your character completely naked would be Survive II(Torn clothes like Survive) and prison break. While there will not be any additional skins or naked skin for other games(College Brawl II may get skins with updates).

(3 edits) (+1)

Hi, I think it is a very very good game but would like to give feedback as currently the there are some big issues that can easily be fixed. I'm sorry if that is long feedback but I think these are issues I have seen in your previous games as well and that really prevent many people from enjoying your games.

1) Controls: The default controls make no sense (J to attack?) and could be made smarter. There's no reason why the game could not be played one-handed, as 95% of the time we're just moving and attacking with pickaxe. I actually managed to make the game one-handed by doing this: up,left,down,right to arrow keys, attack to shift, jump to up arrow key, and down key to crouch. Since I mapped 2 functions to the same key I had to use a script to add delay between jump and holding rope actions, otherwise it was very difficult to jump from a rope, but after this the game becomes very smooth to play with right hand. Please when you design the game pay extra attention to having smart and simple controls as many people won't try to change them and think the game is super difficult.

2) Boring level design / grinding: There are too many levels, and it takes too long to complete some of them. The first ~5 levels are awesome, each with different backgrounds and new enemies, but then at some point the levels become just the same as the previous ones, with slightly different enemies, and it quickly gets boring. I finished all the levels thinking maybe something incredible would happen at the end and this left me with the feeling of wasting my time, which wouldn't have happened if the game was shorter. Rather than having 20 boring levels, it would be better to have 10 levels with at least 1-2 new features/enemies per new level to make them more interesting.

3) Hentai pictures: the animations are awesome, but the gallery pictures should be displayed in game, not just when you go to gallery, for example, display them when the player gets a game over. Having to go to gallery makes things less interactive, it feels like you're browsing instead of playing a game, and I didn't even realize I unlocked them until I stopped playing. This was also a problem in "Survive".

I hope I don't sound too harsh so here are some positive comments as well :) The animations are awesome, the enemies and traps are all original and interesting to fight, the story is short but very good (love the "Spelunky" ambience), the main character is sexy, and the game has lot of attention to details like all the character movement animations and the funny level descriptions. It's also good that we have a lot of health and that dying is not too punishing so we can still complete the levels after being bullied a lot. Hope you keep up the good work :)


Thank you for your feedback. 

I'll do something about the input setting like giving few input profile options at the start.

I hope levels will be fun once there are more enemy variety. 

I have already planned to display images as game over screen background. 

(1 edit)

Thanks so much for reading feedback!

For controls, you need to change the code a bit so that Up arrow can both be mapped to "jump" and "climb rope". If you just map them to the same key the player won't be able to jump from a rope anymore. For example, just add code so that when player jumps from a rope he can't climb a rope again for the next 2-3 frames.

whens the update coming?

The next update will be here in the month of June. It may take long as this update have lot of animations and images compare to 0.1.

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